Hermetic Friends x @rocnation x @brooklynnets

@brooklynnets It’s always been in the cards!


“The Journey is the Reward” Eye only know the best for Me… Family First. @rocnation@rocnationsports

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go -Oscar Wilde Do not let others tell YOUR story! How could they? These are the moments that make up life’s beautiful Essence for Me and I welcome all Peaceful and All-knowing communities in the universe. My light brothers and sisters I am here with you, ready to ride out to see change for humanity. ?369? 11:11 ?



Ego has no room between You and Me. We are One! I am.



?Home? Mount Kurama Kyoto, Japan

?369? ? Life forever

11. ???

“Freedom from greed ensures a peaceful life” I am 11:11

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart” Kahlil Gibran

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. -Mother Teresa

“I guess the light I see in you is what you see in me, Lord…” My Beautiful Find Guru, My Queen. My Light. @goldennn_xo@carol.deee ?

Stroll with me Light Family! Home is where the heart lives and stays! ???? @carol.deee?

4 my Women and children I cannot change. The Love is too too unconditional, always will be. S/o my younger sister @ryrybuckets32 for this invite to the Imhotep School to watch her play. Still a dream! @carol.deee?

Hermetic Friends, Inc. My light Brothers and Sisters! The age of No More Secrets is upon us. World Peace will be achieved in our life time and we better Effin believe it! Let them have the fabricated bull****. That genuine love and energy spreads all over the world. Eye see all. I AM

My Intuitive Truth: I am grateful for my time capsule on this Motherly Earth. I am grateful I am constantly in search for more knowledge about life, the world, and myself. I am Learning the Purpose I have in this Universe. I will only use it for greatness. I Look up and look within, there are angels, guiding spirits, and synchronicities all around me. I Awaken to the beauty of growth and patience. I Love and Live freely. Happiness is inside. 27, stamp it!! Mom I love you. To my family ??Power is inside.

GO BEYOND is a bold challenge. To break barriers. Defy convention. Shatter expectations. @Beyondmeat has changed my diet, my recovery, my performance. #GoBeyond

Newark’s own @islandboy.khi & @island11boy.muh put effort into everything they do, on and off the court. These young men adopted a crosstown elementary school and worked to bring sport and mentorship to these kids, in addition to providing a safe place to play. Defining their paths like @kyrieirving, young leaders like Mekhi & Muhammed challenge us all to step our game up. Know of an up and coming leader in your community? Nominate them for the Nike Future Varsity Program: www.Nike.com/untilweallwin #untilweallwin #bhm

Coming soon…..12/17/2018

My dad is the reason I wear 11. I want to be the reason no one else will. #justdoit – – I spoke with frustration after last nights game and spoke words that shouldn’t be in a professional setting no matter what. Meant no disrespect to the Holiday and those who celebrate it respectfully. I’m grateful for the time We all can share with our families. We are always ONE. ??