Usually I don’t wear sleeveless shirts because I don’t like too much attention in everyday life. But today I made this mistake ? How do people react to women with muscles in your country?#girlswholift

You work. You reach. #prozis

‼️GIVEAWAY‼️ Hi guys, I know you love gifts So, if you are powerlifter, and you want to win the gift that includes: 1 singlet 1 wrist wraps 1 t shirt From the best equipment manufacturer @titanpower81 You should fulfill these conditions: Follow @julia_vins , follow @titanpower81 , like this post and answer the question in the comments: Why exactly should you get this prize, what is your goal in powerlifting ? Good luck! The winner will be announced in a week By the way, there will be two winners 🙂 #powerlifting#giveaway

Hi guys! First, ❤️ this post please 🙂 Second, I have almost 900K followers from all around the world. I really wonder what you do. Where do you live? What is your profession? Write in the comments, I always read it ☺️

Two weeks ago I took part in the competition in Finland ( hosted by my friend @kalle_rs ) For the first time in a long time, my weight class was 60 kg The last 5 years I competed in 67 weight category It was an interesting experience for me. I managed to show good results. In the video, a new junior world record in squat 245 kg In the bench press, I had some problems because of weight loss, so only 135 kg (my best bench press is 150 kg at last competitions) Deadlift 180 This was my first experience in cutting weight before competition so I felt my muscles were empty But I have already begun to correct mistakes and started a new preparation Many thanks to my sponsor @titanpower81 for best powerlifting gear in the world ❤️@openpowerlifting#powerlifting

Bench press workout done ✅#prozis #titanpowersystems#girlswholifts

When you miss him but trying to stay strong ? #musclebarbie#prozis #juliavins

I am back and now I have to do all my work ?? My every day begins with baking pies, cheesecakes, muffins and cookies for my coffee shop 🙂 this is another one of my hobbies (yes, it is difficult for me to keep a diet ?)
Engels, Russia

I like the way my body looks in the 60 kg weight class… But at these competitions I realized that I need to regain my weight in order to lift well ? What do you think? I look better now or I have to gain weight again? ? #prozis#titanpowersystems

I visited the most wonderful library I’ve ever seen ? If you will be in Helsinki you should visit it ❤️

Beautiful day in Helsinki ❤️

Hi guys, I’m in Finland now and made new junior world records in the 60 weight category ? thank you for supporting me ❤️

How do you like this look? The movie “Goalkeeper of the Galaxy” coming soon ✨#sinema #movie #russianmovies#actress

GIVEAWAY # PROZIS12YEARS Is Prozis anniversary but who wins is you! We want to celebrate this anniversary with you, so we are offering you a super tasty PACK of 12 BARS so you do not lose focus and stay with us for another year under the motto #exceedyourself To qualify to win you only have to: 1. Follow @julia_vins 2. Follow @prozis 3. Comment on this post, identifying 3 friends; Conditions: ➡You can participate as often as you like, as long as you identify different friends, and the winning comment is not repeated (only personal profiles are eligible); ➡You can participate until the end of 12/04/2019 (until the participations are closed by commentary in this publication); ➡The winner will be chosen through the platform sorteiogram.com (or other you use to select a winner on Instagram), announced in the commentary in this publication and contacted by private message during the same day; ➡ Offers may be subject to change through available stock; ➡ If you are the winner, you must register on the Prozis website. Come celebrate with us and do not miss the opportunity to WIN!

#Squat 280 kg (617 lbs) and 240 kg without wraps (529 lbs) With reverse bands @titanpower81#powerliftng #girlswholift

Push your limits ?? #prozis#xcorenutrition #musclebarbie#powerlifting

Exceed yourself ?? @prozis#prozis

Heavy bench press workout done ✅ My best result 150 kg (331 lbs) on competition What about you? #powerlifting#girlswholift

Pretty cold ☃️

What is the beauty standard for women in your country? Here in Russia, being muscular was a big problem before. But now it has become more familiar. What about your country?#musclebarbie #musclegirls