Morning swim in Maldives, thanks LIGHTMAC u gave me confidence! ??? #Maldives@wmaldives @whotels#goodmorning #travel #travelling#travelstagram #travelinggram#mytravelgram #instatravel#instaholiday #summer#numberonepr @numberoneprhk#swim @lightmac@cindychan623 #nofilter#confidence
W Maldives

Good morning Maldives! I can’t remember when was the last time I was riding a bike, have u plan what to do today yet? Enjoy Sunday! ??? #Maldives@wmaldives @whotels#goodmorning #travel #travelling#travelstagram #travelinggram#mytravelgram #instatravel#instaholiday #summer#numberonepr @numberoneprhk#weekend #sun @gentlemonster@puyioptical @dior #diorhomme
W Maldives

Good evening Maldives ??? #Maldives @wmaldives @whotels#goodmorning #travel #travelling#travelstagram #travelinggram#mytravelgram #instatravel#instaholiday #summer#numberonepr @numberoneprhk#weekend #sun @sandroparis
W Maldives

Good morning Maldives ??? #Maldives @wmaldives @whotels#goodmorning #travel #travelling#travelstagram #travelinggram#mytravelgram #instatravel#instaholiday #summer#numberonepr @numberoneprhk#weekend #sun @gentlemonster@puyioptical@mistergentleman_aoyama
W Maldives

I am gonna spend my weekend here ??☀️ #Maldives@wmaldives @whotels@cathaypacific @tods@alberelbaz8 @leemikey #travel#travelling #travelstagram#travelinggram #mytravelgram#instatravel #instaholiday#summer #numberonepr@numberoneprhk #weekend#sun @reveeyewear
W Maldives

Amazing cake for Genius Boss! Happy birthday to our Father of Lan Kwai Fong Allan Zeman! Hope you like the Masquerade Bombshell Birthday Cake from the Mira! ??? http://bit.ly/hello_BombShell@allanzeman #allanzeman #盛智文 #蘭桂坊之父#fatheroflankwaifong #hbd#happybirthday #birthday@lkfa_hk @lkftvhk @lkfgroup@lankwaifonghk@numberoneprhk #happy#foodpic #foodlover #hongkong@numberoneprhk #foodporn#foodie #foodiehk #hkfoodie#hkfoodporn #hkfood #foodhk#foodstagram #instafood@bombshell_hkg #bombshellhk@themirahotel#themirahongkong #onlineshop#3dcakehk #cakeshop#pastryshop#couturierconfectionary #bakery#pastryart #designercake
Lan Kwai Fong

祝契爺盛智文福如東海,壽比南山! Happy birthday My Boss My Mentor My Godfather, hope you like the Four Hands Michelin Stars Luncheon by Ichu and Pica Pica! ????? @allanzeman #allanzeman #盛智文 #蘭桂坊之父 #mentor #boss#bigboss #godfather #hbd#happybirthday #birthday@lkfa_hk @lkftvhk @lkfgroup@lankwaifonghk@numberoneprhk #happy#congrats @ichuhk @ichu.terraza@hqueenshk #happy #yummy#hkig #foodpic #foodlover #hk#hongkong @numberoneprhk#bonappetite #happy #yummy#foodporn #nice #foodie#foodiehk #hkfoodie#hkfoodporn #hkfood #foodhk#foodstagram #instafood
Ichu Peru

What an amazing dining experience! And thanks Elvis and Portian! ?? @wagyumafiahk@wagyumafiahk #happy #hk#hkig #hongkong #numberonepr#foodporn #hkfoodstagram#foodie #foodiehk #hkfoodie#hkfoodporn #hkfood #foodhk#foodstagram #foodpic#foodlover #beef @simon314@lucaswang._
Wagyumafia Hong Kong

Say cheers for Wednesday! Always fond of Cafe Gray’s gorgeous food and ambience! ?☀️ @upperhouse_hkg@marcelthoma@christianrjbarlow @heyxtian@hongkongtatler @i_vanlam#happy #hk #hkig #hongkong#numberonepr #foodporn#hkfoodstagram #foodie#foodiehk #hkfoodie#hkfoodporn #hkfood #foodhk#foodstagram #foodpic#foodlover
Cafe Grey Deluxe, 奕居

香港時代廣場「大自然的色彩」 第二期有五大主題色彩之屋包括色彩絢爛的彩虹屋、黑夜星空月亮屋、紅色花卉屋、橙色日出日落屋及白色雲海屋,誠邀大家擁抱和感受大自然色彩繽紛的奇妙世界,親臨體會與大自然和諧共處的生活態度,周嘉洛第一時間前來,今期他一定夠紅吧! Pls come visit us at HK Times Square Colours in Nature Exhibition Phrase 2 with Chow Ka Lok, opens now till July 21, have a colorful week! ???? #HKTimesSquare #時代廣場#DiscoverHongKong#haveagoodtime#HKTScoloursinnature@hktimessquare #hk #hkig#hongkong @kalok_ #周嘉洛 #愛回家 #金城安 #chowkalok

Bravo to Hoi! Am quite sure this is the most charming photo book in HK Book Fair this year! ☺️? @hoi1218 #yeungchiuhoi #楊潮凱 #楊潮凱相集 #handsome#GoWithTheFlow #support#actor #hkactor #hk #hkig#hongkong @dragoncentremall#numberonepr #hkbookfair
Dragon Centre 西九龍中心

There must be lots of celebrations this summer including birthdays and graduations and weddings and anniversary and Bombshell is the perfect gift for Ruco and Phoebe’s princess daughter Quinta’s 100 days birthday! ? http://bit.ly/hello_BombShell ❤️ @bombshell_hkg #bombeshell@rucochan @smyphoebe #陳展鵬#單文柔 #小豬比 #quinta#babygirl #congrats #phoebesin#rucochan #numberonepr@themirahotel #bombshellhk#themirahongkong

I am lucky to have many great friends and they all have great taste! Big time catch up with Gigi Chao and have a smooth week! ?? #gigichao #趙式芝@elzerolivier @stregishk@lenvolhk @stregishotels #happy#newrestaurant #hk #hkig#hongkong #numberonepr#foodporn #hkfoodstagram#foodie #foodiehk #hkfoodie#hkfoodporn #hkfood #foodhk#foodstagram #foodpic#foodlover

What a yummy Spanish lunch with Hilary Tsui and Happy birthday Ivan! All the best and have more business! ??? @hilaryxtsui #hilarytsui #徐濠縈@viva_lkf @i_vanlam #hbd#birthday #happybirthday#VivaLaVida #new #lankwaifong#蘭桂坊 #hk #hkig #hongkong#numberonepr @lankwaifonghk@lkfa_hk @numberoneprhk#foodporn #hkfoodstagram#foodie #foodiehk #hkfoodie#hkfoodporn #hkfood #foodhk#foodstagram #foodpic#foodlover @bastianw

Thanks Gafencu for the interview and thanks for all the super brands’ support to create the 5 newest FW2019 looks: From Milan: @moschino and @dolcegabbanaFrom Paris: Dior Homme From New York: @theory__ and @poloralphlauren From UK: @alfreddunhill From HK: @harrisonwong Optical by @gentlemonster@puyioptical HK$3M Tourbillon Watch by @jacobandco Jewelry by @artemadridofficial Hair by @vic_kwan of @iialchemy @wecut.asia Make up by @drjanaechan Love u all! ?? https://www.igafencu.com/video/1907/1907_GMHK_Interview_FrancisCheng.mp4@gafencumagazine #fw2019 #fw19 #new #interview #fashion #menswear #pr#publicrelations #高峰傲 #hk #hkig #hongkong #numberonepr @numberoneprhk@marcopolohongkong

Thanks for coming to the Jacob & Co High Jewelry and Watches Exhibition 2019 at Peninsula Hotel Presidential Suite this weekend, hope you like all the diamonds and exquisite pieces! ?? @jacobandco@peninsulahongkong@peninsulahotels #numberonepr@numberoneprhk@princejewelleryandwatch#diamonds #watches @yangjonas@lumenluminous @emilyxuan5@miramira922 @marlimarli@jonathancheng @mistervoon

Happy birthday DK our great friend of the whole world, with many great returns to come! ☺️??? @davidekung@adeline.lai @vernon1121 #hbd#happybirthday #birthday@sushiyoshihk #hk #hkig#hongkong #numberonepr#foodporn #hkfoodstagram#foodie #foodiehk #hkfoodie#hkfoodporn #hkfood #foodhk#foodstagram #foodpic#foodlover

We all love u Sammi! Bravo and many thanks for the great show, definitely an amazing night to remember!! ?? @sammi_chengsauman#sammicheng #FOLLOWMi #鄭秀文 #hk #hkig #addoil #pretty#concert #congrats#10showsofMi @puyioptical@jacobandco @marlimarli #溥儀眼鏡 @gigileungwingkei@princejoyce@kimbeechan_official @physit@sharonchanmanchi #gigileung#joycecheng #kimbee #fionasit#sharonchan #梁詠琪 #薛凱琪 #陳敏之 #鄭欣宜 #love

A concert we can not miss, big congrats to Sammi Cheng for the wonderful show!! ?? @sammi_chengsauman#sammicheng #FOLLOWMi #鄭秀文 #hk #hkig #addoil #pretty#concert #congrats#10showsofMi @puyioptical@jacobandco @marlimarli #溥儀眼鏡 @michele_monique_reis@isabella.leong@sharonchanmanchi#michelereis #julianhui#isabellaleong #sharonchan #李嘉欣 #梁洛施 #陳敏之@marlimarli @mywallwall@kim1113 @louis___shum@louis___shum @benjaminyuooo@vernon1121 @alexisyau83@winsonks110 @chichirl@brianpoon1111

We are all here for Sammi tonight! ?? @sammi_chengsauman#sammicheng #FOLLOWMi #鄭秀文 #hk #hkig #addoil#positiveenergy #concert#allthebest @puyioptical@jacobandco @marlimarli #溥儀眼鏡 @physit @princejoyce