Becky’s a joke. Charlotte’s a joke. Anyone who believes in this whole charade is a joke. ? @kimberlasskick For a recap of last night check the link in my bio

No @beckylynchwwe, I wasn’t going to let you throw the match against @charlottewwe so you could try to save face, blame your knee “injury,” and evade my wrath at Wrestlemania. No one’s ever escaped Charlotte’s figure 8, the WWE Universe should be thanking me getting @charlottewwe disqualified and sparing them from hearing your woe-is-me bullshit for the next year. • For those that missed the action last night, check the link in my bio

You want my shirt? You can’t have my shirt!! ? #suckit • ?@randystonewall

Check the link in my bio for a #BrowseyAcres update on chicken drowning turkeys, my egg hiding husband, and stroking my sweet ass, Milly?

Link in bio @rondarouseydotcom

Done playin’ #AndStill #wwetoronto#vermontmakesthebestmaplesyrup#merica

New #RondaOnTheRoad is up! Follow me and @rondarouseydotcom to #RAWin Philadelphia, me and @natbynature go on a quest to find the best Philly cheesesteak in town – and I get a lot of things off my chest that have been boiling inside me since #SurvivorSeries – Viewer discretion is advised – link in bio

The Man trying to get you down? Well, damn The Man!! Wanna do more than just boo the Woo? Then screw the Woo!! Are you no longer Mrs. Nice Bitch? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you definitely also need one of these @rondarouseydotcom shirts! Check the link in my bio to get yours! A portion of all proceeds go to @didi_hirschnon profit mental health services! #erasethestigma

You’re next @charlottewwe

Damn the Man Screw the Woo No more Mrs. Nice Bitch • Link in bio

We at @rondarouseydotcom have finally compiled the chronicles of RoadDog aka Roadie! Come take a road trip with us to get some new kids (baby goats) and meet the stray we found on the way. Stay tuned while we try to find his home – #BrowseyAcres just keeps growing! Link to full video in bio!!

Congrats @edmenshahbazyan !!! Amazing performance, so proud of you!! This is just the beginning!! Pics via @hansgutknecht

Little Edmen, @Edmenshahbazyan the ecstatic-to-be-there little kid who let me ragdoll him around for years (he loved it, look at that smile?) was signed as the youngest @ufc fighter on the roster. He fights tonight on #ufc235, don’t miss it. He’s the kind of fighter you’ll brag about watching since the beginning of his career. @onefightmanagement

All new #RondaOnTheRoad is up! Check the link in my bio and come along with me and @rondarouseydotcom to #RAWin Atlanta!!

Time flies ⏰ ?

F word? You mean “fake”? Fake like your non sensical BS “armbar” that doesn’t even work and just looks like you’re holding the dick you wish you had?

The road to #Wreslemania has been an arduous one already…. here are more pics via @kimberlasskick over the last few weeks

That’s what I’m trying to do dumbass. You hobbling around trying to be a ginger crutch ninja and taking fake prison photos in the hallway isn’t helping

“In a world built on violence one must be a revolutionary before one can be a pacifist” AJ Muste Check the link in my bio to see what went down at #Rawtonight

You sore from lifting babies all day and need motivation to lift weights in the evening? You stayed out too late last night but have an exam this morning? You faking a knee injury but have Wrestlemania looming in your future? Whenever you need to suck it up and handle business, I personally prescribe this shirt to ease your pains, b*tch! Today is your final chance to fill your prescription for this limited edition @rondarouseydotcom T-shirt! Link in bio!

A brand spankin’ new #RondaOnTheRoad is up! Follow us with @rondarouseydotcom behind the scenes of #EliminationChamber and see #SonyaBlade come to life!! • The link is in my bio ?

It’s been a grueling weekend to say the least … the road #Wrestlemania is going to be a long one … @rubyriottwwe you put up one hell of a fight… at first I thought you were crazy to challenge me two days in a row, but now I see I was crazy to think you wouldn’t. • For those who missed the action check the link in my bio @rondarouseydotcom

Thank you everyone who helped create our #SonyaBlade look for #eliminationchamber! Fight gear: @alejandrostylist @alejandrocollectionHair: @thisisbabe Makeup: @heeezoooBoots: @mizunoeurope customized by @alejandrostylist Gloves: @nazoboxing@gfc_diamond Hat: @melin Pic: @kimberlasskick Sonya Blade: @mortalkombat

@champagnepapi was right…. No new friends. • Check the link in my bio to see why you never trust a ginger on crutches #EliminationChamber

Lesson learned. Never trust the #FauxHorsewomen

What a year it has been… don’t miss #EliminationChamber TONIGHT!! Streaming live on #WWEnetwork#RondaVsRuby

TONIGHT #RondaVsRuby#EliminationChamber streaming live on #WWEnetwork

TOMORROW #RondaVSRuby#ElimantionChamber streaming live on #WWEnetwork

Just stepped out of the ring in Edinburg for #WWElive and look who’s kickin all kinds on ass on tv! Go @mikaelamayer!!!!!!

TWO DAYS till #EliminationChamber#RondaVsRuby #feb17 streaming live on #WWEnetwork

Happy Valentines Day to the Love of My Life!!!! @travisbrownemma ❤️

Damn right I’m focused on the #WomensEvolution getting the success we deserve. And FYI the #WomensEvolution includes even you @rubyriottwwe. I’m on a mission to make the first ever women’s main event at #Wrestlemaina happen THIS year. If that means at #EliminationChamber I have to beat you to a pulp for your own good, i won’t hesitate for second. Go ahead and hate me now, you won’t even have to thank me later, I really don’t care. I’m just trying to change the world, not get credit for it.

This week’s #RondaOnTheRoad we arrive in Michigan to help with their ninja shortage, hyphenate, and handle business at Monday Night #Raw! Check the link in my bio for more! @rondarouseydotcom

This isn’t what’s best for business. This isn’t what’s in demand. I have no idea what the hell this is. Vince McMahon doesn’t even believe in his own girl @charlottewwe – If he didn’t make us the main event of #SurvivorSeries he’s sure as hell not making us the main event of #WrestleMania. The #WomensEvolutionwas robbed tonight. For a recap of Raw check the link in my bio

A one woman riot is just a crazy lady running around in the street – @rubyriottwwe looking forward to seeing what you’re made of without your minions @yaonlylivvonce and @sarahloganwwe See you at #ElimationChamber Sunday #Feb17

You sore from lifting babies all day and need motivation to lift weights in the evening? You stayed out too late last night but have an exam this morning? You faking a knee injury but have Wrestlemania looming in your future? Whenever you need to suck it up and handle business, I personally prescribe this shirt to ease your pains, b*tch! • We at @rondarouseydotcom just started our new limited edition #QuotePhase shirt campaign!! We have 3 shirts available to order until 2/25 Let us know via the comments @rondarouseydotcom what quotes or designs you’d like to see for our next #QuotePhase ✌? • We’re also happy to announce @rondarouseydotcom is donating a portion of all proceeds to @didi_hirsch non profit mental health services ?? Link to purchase in bio!

@beckylynchwwe Ice and Advil Bitch •@rubyriottwwe Do something. I dare you. Link in bio for more

Granting wishes for others while fulfilling some of my own, check my bio for a link to an all new #RondaOnTheRoad #Rawafter #RoyalRumble

Who needs boats and hoes when you got goats and bows? ? ? #browseyacres@rondarouseydotcom

I love how he looks at me ?

Thank you everyone who helped bring our #RoyalRumble white ranger look together Fight gear: @iammikaze Hair: @thisisbabe Makeup: @heeezooo Kilt: @alejandrocollection Shoes: @mizunoeurope Gloves: @nazoboxing@gfc_diamond Jacket: @langlitzleathersPictures: @kimberlasskick • If anyone wants to see a bunch of performers act tough and watch me resist every urge I had to beat the living shit out of anyone who dared approach me so I don’t get sued or arrested – check the link in my bio

Down three faux and one to go #4horsewomenvsfauxhorsewomen and that’s with me on my own. Last I checked we hold two titles and you fair-weather “friends” have none. Imagine what’s coming for you when the riders assemble @qosbaszler @jessamynduke@marinashafir ????????

One big difference between me and you @beckylynchwwe – everything you said last night was fantasy make believe. And every word out of my mouth was a fact. #RondaVsBecky

@sashabankswwe thank you for the pushing me to a whole new level last night. I don’t know if I’ll ever choose to be your friend. But to respect you isn’t a choice, because you demand it. So with all due respect, thank you for the challenge. I look forward to the next one #RondaVsSasha#4horsewomenvsfauxhorsewomen#rowdyhartvsbosshugconnection If you missed the #RoyalRumble action last night check the link in my bio

Don’t miss the #RoyalRumble TONIGHT on #wwenetwork !!!

A new #RondaOnTheRoad is up! Check the link in my bio to hang out with me and @rondarouseydotcom at the last #Raw before #RoyalRumble!!!

Tomorrow!! #RoyalRumble#RondaVsSasha#rawwomenschampionship

This Sunday #RondaVsSasha#RoyalRumble#rawwomenschampionship #Jan27

Before I defend my title at the #RoyalRumble this weekend, I got to get in an ice bath alongside @kevinhart4realon #ColdAsBalls and teach him a thing or two about a thing or two? Watch the full episode now only on @LOLNetwork!

@sashabankswwe you are one crafty, savvy, interesting opponent. I practically begged you to step up and challenge me because I thought all the vile nasty things the other women in the locker room said about you was because they were envious of your talent and ability. Chalk this up to a lesson learned by me. No one was envious. Or jealous. Just sick of your two-faced approach to campaigning for popularity. You’re an unappreciative, disrespectful, self-entitled narcissist who has actually succeeded in eclipsing her talent with her arrogance and portrayal of a Boss monicker you take WAAAAAY too seriously. I can’t even put into words how badly I want to rescind everything I’ve said about you. But that’s to your credit. You played me. But I won’t be playing this Sunday. I’ll be fighting. You come on down to the ring at Chase Field in your purple haired “I’m a BOSS” cosplay outfit – I’ll meet you in my fight gear. And trust me, @sashabankswwe, you’re in for a rude awakening that’s still more polite than you deserve. At the #RoyalRumble The Boss is getting fired by the #HBIC #RondaVsSasha#rawwomenschampionship #Jan27

Me and @natbynature are puuuuuuumped for our tag match with #bossnhugconnection @sashabankswweand @itsmebayley tomorrow on #Raw!! #womenstagteamchampionship#rowdyhartvsbosshugconnection

Abilene!! I had so much fun tonight thank you everyone who came out to watch! #wwelive