I’m sorry I can’t wait for normal photos and want to share it with you now! x”) Swipe for little bonus? . . . #Vocaloid#Mikucosplay #hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay#mikuhatsune #magicalmirai#magicalmiraicosplay#magicalmirai2019 #初音ミク#マジカルミライ#マジカルミライ2019#costest

⭐Jump for Joy! Hands Up!⭐ Oh I can’t wait to share this video with you, because it was my first choreography for two person! But I need to wait Magical Mirai for this, I want to upload “Jump for Joy” cover in first day MM2019 in Osaka! ( ;∀;) . . .#Vocaloid #Miku #mikucosplay#mikuhatsune #hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay#megurineluka#megurinelukacosplay#jumpforjoy #初音ミク#巡音ルカ

10th Anniversary of Project Diva! Yaay! (´⊙ω⊙`)! I can’t believe how many years I played in this ? Of course I love rythm games and Project Diva is my favorite Oh and if you didn’t know – they announced new Project Diva for Nintendo switch! ?? . My sweet Kaito?- @vi_nikiforov . . . #Miku#mikucosplay #hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay#mikuhatsune #kaito#kaitocosplay #projectdiva#projectdivacosplay#projectdivax #cutemedley #初音ミク

tick tack tick tack . I’m afraid that I can lost all. It’s not a joke. I wrote some in my story. And thank you all for stay with me. . . .#hatsunemiku #mikucosplay#hatsunemikucosplay#mikuhatsune#tsugihagistaccato#patchworkstaccato#projectdiva#projectdivacosplay #初音ミク

Today was 10 Anniversary of “Love Colored Ward” song! ?? (Thanks to @mikugerms for informing about this uwu) It’s a really cute song from OSTER project and I really want to make cosplay again!~ ??? My cutie Rin – @sunnydary and beautiful Luka – @ajisailest ? Photo by @catfish_plane . . .#mikucosplay #hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay#mikuhatsune #megurineluka#megurinelukacosplay#kagaminerin#kagaminerincosplay#lovecoloredward #osterproject#初音ミク#鏡音リン#巡音ルカ

What is your favorite type of anime character? ・ω・ I cant choose only one, but I think I prefer yandere type more… (//∇//) . . . #Vocaloid #mikucosplay#mikuhatsune #hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay #cosplay#genki #moe #tsundere#yandere #kuudere #初音ミク

I was waiting for a warm summer, and now it’s too hot here in St.Petersburg for me… I don’t like when it’s too hot.. But it was raining almost every day a few days ago and walking after the rain felt really good! (・∀・) . What about you? What kind of a weather do you like? ? . . .#miku #mikucosplay#hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay #vocaloid#初音ミク #droppopcandy

Last Night, Good Night~ ? I finally started making a video with this song for my channel and I’m really glad qwq It was a little bit difficult to sing this song, but I really like the result! ? Are you waiting my video? (//∇//) . . . #Miku #Mikucosplay#hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay #cosplay#lastnightgoodnight #初音ミク

? Sakura Miku! ? I’m not sure about the dance video in this costume because I’m look too tired on it T_T Spring is over soon!? I hope I’ll have time for making video with flowers outside! ? . . . #mikucosplay#hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay#sakuramiku#sakuramikucosplay #初音ミク#桜ミク

Good morning master! ・ω・ It’s morning already! Do you want coffee or tea? ☕ . . .#hatsunemiku #mikucosplay#hatsunemikucosplay #maid #初音ミク

Miku bride~ I wanted to make photoshoot like this for a long time and finally I made it in China!~ Please swipe to see video~ ? Music : ジグ feat. 初音ミク – Bandage And Butterfly . . .#mikucosplay #hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay #vocaloid#vocaloidcosplay #luotianyi#luotianyicosplay #初音ミク

Tomorrow in Russia there will be Easter! ? I’m atheist, but I love muffins and painted eggs! And rabbits, of course!? . . .#hatsunemiku #mikucosplay#hatsunemikucosplay #easter#eastercosplay #初音ミク

Hello, it’s me – Easter Rabbit! ? And I wish everyone had a good day today, cause today is Easter! ? Oh, of course I’m not true rabbit lol, but today I spent with a cuties fluffy rabbits ahhh! They was so soft!! ? . Btw this costume done only thanks @_riliane! I made only some small details, but all she’s made by herself! . . . #mikucosplay#hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay #rabbit#easter #eastercosplay #初音ミク

On the last weekend was the first race Super GT! It was a very strange race, but I hope that the next time in Fuji, the weather will be better! \(^o^)/ Fight, GSR! ? . . . #Mikucosplay#hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay#racingmiku2017#racingmiku2018#racingmikucosplay #初音ミク

In Petersburg it becomes warmer. But my mood still bad… How is your mood? What do you do when you feel bad? . . .#Mikucosplay #hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay#ribbongirl #ribbongirlcosplay#projectdiva #vocaloid #初音ミク

Wowaka was one of my favorite Vocaloid producers, he is a person who is closely associated with the Vocaloid community. His songs are certainly hits, that have helped many people to grow their feelings and continue to move on. Wowaka is the very example when you can say that a person built his way at work with Miku and went up to another level. He should have done much more, but his life was cut short only at 31 years old. My condolences for all the band members of Hitorie and all the Vocaloid fans. His music, his songs and he will stay with us forever. Thanks for everything, Wowaka.? We will always love you.❤️ Rest in peace.?

?Spring! I’m waiting for bloom? This year I want to spend more time on walks in the parks, and on my health. I already wrote in my stories that I have health problems. And I’m constantly nervous and worried, it’s difficult for me to find the motivation to do anything. But I will try to become better!? (I’m sorry if I didn’t answered on your messages – I’ll check all messages when I’ll feel little better >_<) . How your spring has going? Have any plans? (´・ω・`) . . . #miku#mikucosplay #mikuhatsune#hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay #初音ミク

I still have a lot of photos from Japan and I want to share them with you!? These photos I took on the last day in Sapporo – Snow Miku collaboration Cafe, Snow Miku train and Snow Miku Sky Town! ❄️ I already miss to Sapporo and Snow Miku so much Q_Q . . . #miku #mikuhatsune#hatsunemiku #snowmiku#snowmiku2019 #sapporo #札幌 #初音ミク #雪ミク

VA Turn 2 in Voronezh is over!? It was really fun! I was very worried and cried some times, performances on the stage still difficult for me. But I want to work on myself more and harder! I will try!!\(^o^)/ . В этот раз я была на фестивале дольше по времени и смогла пообщаться с классными ребятами – выступающими и горничными. Все такие крутые!! Q_Q Спасибо за такой замечательный день!! . . . #vaturn #hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay#mikucosplay #miku#mikuhatsune #初音ミク

Snow Miku celebrated her 10th anniversary in this year! she’s such a wonderful baby and I love her so much! ? Snow Festival was really fun! Next year I’ll try to come again (´・ω・`)? . . .#hatsunemiku#hatsunemikucosplay #miku#mikucosplay #snowmiku2019#snowmikucosplay #初音ミク#雪ミク#雪ミク2019 #札幌