Some says Libra and Cancer are not compatible! But I say Libra and Cancer are inseparable! ???? Happy birthday to you V???

when your boyfriend decide to go extreme to get rid of you! Its quite a hurtful thing! Haha!!! you think KC going to be successful tonight? ? Let’s found out at 8pm tonight! Ep625 #Terry的贖罪清單#唔知係你傻啲定係我傻啲 ????#定係愛呢?

✨be aware! This photographer is in her spaced out mode! #InTheZone#DoNotDisturb???? ???

Looks like I have put self tanning lotion all over my face and arms? thank you to the beaming sunset ???♀️ #PerfectSunset#InstantTan#Tanned#NoFilter?

Anything she doesn’t like, I like! Anything I dislike, she loves??? we never liked each other preferences! Haha! But turns out there is one off for everything and we pull it off quite well, right? ??

Once a upon a time, there were two girls called Jen and Trace. They met in 2012 and have fallen in love with each other since! ????One day, Princess Chu and Prince Justin got engaged? So Jen and Trace secretly told each other, “when we both became a mum, how about we checked into the same hospital together too and celebrate our kids birthday together and let the fairytale story continues….’ ??♀️ ??? But! don’t tell anybody we secretly just want to go to tea together and continue to grow old together! ???? #OkItsApromise#JustBetweenMeAndYou ??? ?

It’s time to give our birthday Chu a big birthday kiss????? Let’s count how many kisses she gets in one night…Mwahh! ? Happy Birthday to you Trace! @tracytschu

Shhh! Don’t tell anybody I have no shoes on!? it’s a secret!!! ?

Not everything you wish for comes your way, but trust that everything is coming for you has it’s own reasons?#ThatsTheWayItIs

It’s hard to believe when the weather forecast said it’s going to rain, but giving you a clear blue sky all the way ???

I met my little bae ? in just a day and left me such sweet memory?She came up to me and asked ‘can I take pictures for you please?’ and I said ok, I let you play! Then after few pictures she came up to me and start sorting out my hair parting making sure it was in place and direct me where to look! #IsntSheTheSweetestThing?#MostAdorableTalentedYoungPhotographer?

The lowest possible angle and unintentional candid shot taken by the sweetest 9 years old little girl ?? #WhenYouLetLittleOnePlayWithYourCamera#Ultimate#DoubleChinTimes4 #OneLostGroomand #ABigPhotobomber ???#StillSmiling#StillInTheZoneOfTheIndainWedding

If only @zalorahk be my closet forever?? Thank you millions for making me feeling stress-free for my entire trip?? #WhenGirlsStruggleWithOutfits#WhatShallIWear#SayNoToWorries

? If only I can post hundreds of pictures in one post! Haha! The couples found a self-voluntary hkness girl who became videographer and photographer in this trip! Only for my best of the best Indian bride and groom? ?you to the moon and back, Mars to earth, from Jivram to Gautam to konichiwa ?❤️ #Since2009@traditions_mendhi_by_jaanki@gaurav_gautam88

It’s never too hard to take a picture together under Eiffel Tower right! One click with our fingers ?and da-ta ??♀️ wish come true! Hurrayyyy?? Now! Where shall we go next? Haha!

I found a run away brides!….maid on the cruise ?? Lets rewind from Day one and onwards:) #FirstTimeBeingABridesmaid#OnTheCruise#ForAnIndianWedding?

behind the scene… Secret weapons from 孫玥? Sun Yue, our former World champion volleyball player? We are more than lucky ? 接龍 ??????#愛回家之開心速遞

Perfect sunset requires No filter ? From Belgium to Amsterdam ?

if you were KC, would you tell ICY this is just a prank? If you were ICY, how would you react? ? Let’s found out tonight:) I love the name of tonight Episode, it’s called #情人眼裡出KC@au_siu_wai ?????????

I might not be able to watch tonight episode at 8pm HK time, but I will be here at 1pm ? Icy is sending KC a kiss as well as everybody who support tonight episode too? Yes! It’s tonight?