【BTS 人偶強勢登陸玩具“反”斗城?】立即預訂 【BTS Dolls at Toys “R”Us?】Pre-Order NOW!! 超人氣BTS人偶由即日起至2019年7月31日於香港玩具“反”斗城預訂??!包括全體成員 – V, SUGA, Jin, Jung Kook, RM, Jimin, j-hope ??。 即刻預訂心愛偶像人偶: http://bit.ly/2YbgETm The BRAND NEW BTS Dolls are now available for pre-order at Toys”R”Us Hong Kong until 31 Jul, 2019??. Get the whole group – V, SUGA, Jin, Jung Kook, RM, Jimin and j-hope ??. Pre Order your set here: http://bit.ly/32yVdeC 詳情可關注我哋以獲取更多 #BTS 資訊。 Follow us for more #BTSupdates. #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey#BTSDollsOfficial #BTSxMattel#BTS #hkig

Geoffrey 已經準備好喺呢個夏天去沙灘玩同暢泳一番啦! Geoffrey’s ready to visit the beach and enjoy swimming this summer!! #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey #summer#swimming #fun #hkig

Geoffrey 趣緻嘅新朋友「小叉」!? Geoffrey’s new friend – Forky!! He’s whacky ?#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #ToyStory #ToyStory4#Woody #Buzz #Forky #hkig

Geoffrey 同Top Wings team喺呢個長假期玩吖! Geoffrey is spending the long weekend with the top wings team!! #toysrus#toysrus_hk #toysrushk#geoffrey #TopWing#nickelodeon #have #fun #hkig

Geoffrey 同蜘蛛以及新朋友「神秘客」嚟緊有大搞作! Geoffrey, Spiderman & Mysterio have big plans coming up! #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey#SpiderManFarFromHome#SpiderMan #farfromhome#Marvel #TomHolland #avengers#Mysterio #hkig

週末鬆鬆,Geoffrey 同佢嘅新朋友Pony 出去玩玩! Geoffrey’s made a new buddy Pony for the weekend! #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey #fun#happy #hkig #weekend#HaveANiceWeekend

【全新2019 LEGO®夏日新品】 【ALL NEW LEGO® 2019 Summer New Product Launch】 最新2019 LEGO®夏日新品已經登陸玩具“反”斗城,包括獨家發售嘅LEGO® City 火箭組裝基地 (60229)、LEGO® Friends 極速飛天八爪魚 (41373)以及LEGO® Creator 內陸小屋 (31098)。仲有更多更多LEGO新品!即刻嚟玩具“反”斗城選購啦~ ALL NEW LEGO® 2019 Summer New Products have arrived at Toys“R”Us!! Including the LEGO® City Rocket Assembly & Transport (60229), LEGO® Friends Funny Octopus Ride (41373) and LEGO® Creator Qutback Cabin (31098) – all ONLY at Toys“R”Us!! AND so many more NEW products!! Come and bring new collections home from Toys“R”Us now!! #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey #LEGO#hkig #new

Geoffrey 同三國高達嘅英雄一齊跳舞 ?? Geoffrey’s dancing through the weekend with Sangoku’s Gundam Heroes. ?? #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey #gundam#toys #fun #happy #hkig

成長中有佢哋陪真係好!? Its great to have them as part of “R” Toy Story ? #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #ToyStory4 #ToyStory#Woody #Buzz #Jessie #BoPeep#love

Geoffrey 準備好用佢嘅新NERF 槍AR-L blaster試試身手! Geoffrey is ready to show his NERF skills with his new AR-L blaster!! #toysrus #toysrus_hk#toysrushk #geoffrey #NERF#fortnite #fun #hkig

祝各位靚媽 母親快樂!! ❤ Happy Mother’s day to all the beautiful mom’s and grandmom’s ❤#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #HappyMothersDay#MothersDay #Happy#loveYouMum #love #hkig

Happy Star Wars Day! May The Force Be With You! #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #StarWarsDay#may4th #StarWars#MayThe4thBeWithYou #hkig

揭終!《復仇者聯盟4: 終局之戰》,Geoffrey同大家一樣咁期待!睇嘅揮揮手?? Whatever it takes!! Avengers: Endgame is finally here!! Geoffrey’s been really looking forward to it!!#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #marvel#MarvelStudios #endgame#Avengers #AvengersEndgame#DontSpoilTheEndgame#ironman #CaptainAmerica#CaptainMarvel #StanLee #Thor#復仇者聯盟4 #終局之戰

復活節快樂!好好享受假期呀~~ Happy Easter!! Enjoy and have a super holiday filled with FUN & JOY!! #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey #Easter#HappyEaster #eastergreeting#happy #joy #love #hkig

Geoffrey 已經瞄準咗大富翁-權力遊戲版上嘅鐵王座啦! Geoffrey’s got his eyes on the Iron Throne in the all new MONOPOLY Game of Thrones edition! #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey#GameofThrones #IronThrone#hkig #monopoly #hasbro #game

Geoffrey 已經入手咗最新嘅Avengers 玩具,真係好靚! Geoffrey’s just picked up the BRAND NEW Avengers figures!! They’re awesome!! #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #Avengers#Avengers4 #AnvegersEndgame#Endgame #IronMan #Captain#Ronin #CaptainAmerica #toys#hkig

Geoffrey 已經準備好為香港捧盃進發!今屆香港國際七人欖球賽你哋又支持邊個國家呢? Geoffrey is routing for Hong Kong to bring home the cup this season! Who are you supporting in the Hong Kong Sevens?#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #hksevens #rugby#support #hkig

Geoffrey 同佢一班朋友祝大家兒童節快樂!保持年輕童真~ Geoffrey’s and his friends wishing you all Happy Children’s Day. KEEP JOY. #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #HAPPY#Childrensday #joy #toy #fun#hkig

呢個週末,小Geoffrey 同小Polly 會一齊去玩呀! Micro Geoffrey and Micro Polly are thrilled to bring in the weekend together!#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #PollyPocket #fun#happy #hkig

一齊同Geoffrey 參與今個星期六晚上8點半地球一小時,一齊熄燈1小時,團結守護我哋嘅地球、我哋嘅家。 Join Geoffrey and turn off your lights on Saturday 30th March at 8:30pm for only 1 hour. Let’s pledge to do more to protect our planet, our home, together! #toysrushk#toysrus #toysrus_hk #geoffrey#EARTHHOUR #connect2earth#LIGHTSOFF #protect #plant#home #hkig #WWF

Geoffrey 已經準備好揸呢佢架新車喺路上奔馳啦! Geoffrey’s getting ready to take his brand new set of wheels for a spin!#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #TOMICA #toyota#wheels #fun #hkig

Geoffrey 打算邀請Barbie去跳舞??,大家一齊支持佢啦!❤️ Geoffrey would like to invite Barbie to a ball room dance??. Give him a cheer!!❤️#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #Barbie #Barbie60love #hkig #mattel

Geoffrey 祝Barbie 生日快樂!! 一齊用“心心❤”表達你嘅祝福啦~ Geoffrey wishes a Happy Birthday to Barbie!! Share the love ❤ #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey #barbie#Barbie60 #love #hkig #mattel#happybirthday #birthday@barbie @mattel

祝願香港各位堅強、美麗、獨特嘅媽媽、囡囡、姊妹婦女節快樂! Happy women’s day to all the beautiful, strong and truly unique mom’s, daughters and sisters of Hong Kong. #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #Womensday #happy#hkig

其實Geoffrey 嘅身份非同小可,佢已經準備好同Captain Marvel 拯救世界! Geoffrey’s ready to save the world with Captain Marvel! #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey#CaptainMarvel #Goose#Marvel #Movie #hkig @marvel@marvelstudios@captainmarvelofficial

胡迪、巴斯:「Yeah!! 我哋捉到Geoffrey啦!」 “Geoffrey!!! we got you, yeah!!” Woody and Buzz Lightyear. #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey # Woody #Buzz #BuzzLightyear #ToyStory#toy #love #fun #LEGO #hkig

我哋好中意同大家一齊!一齊向夢想進發,令夢想成真啦! We love each other! Let’s make our dreams come true together!!#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #WonderPark #dream#love #hkig

咦!點解Geoffrey 會喺我嘅奇幻怪獸蛋入面嘅? What ?!?!? Why is Geoffrey Breaking Out of my Mystery Egg ?!?!? #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #hkig #cute #Brand#New #BreatoutBeast #fun#toys

情人節快樂!周圍都已經感受到滿滿嘅愛,對你嚟講,愛又代表咩呢?你又準備咗咩特別好玩嘅禮物呢? Love is in the air!! What does LOVE mean to you?!?! Have you checked out “R” special Valentines Gifts? #toysrusus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey # ValentinesDay #Happy #LOVE#TRUvalentinefeels #vday#lovers #hkig

豬年快樂、恭喜發財!! Geoffrey 以及玩具“反”斗城仝人祝大家身體健康、笑口常開、心想事成! Kung Hei Fat Choi from Geoffrey and the entire Toys”R”Us family!!! Here’s wishing you all the best of health, happiness and prosperity in the Year of the PIG.. May all your wishes come true!#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #CNY #LunarNewYear#YearOfThePig #HappyNewYear#NewYear #fun #happy #hkig

Geoffrey 好享受同冇牙仔起空中飛翔,亦準備好展開一個新旅程啦! Geoffrey gets to fly in the sky with his dragon buddy – Toothless, and they’re ready for a whole new adventure journey!!#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #toys#HowtoTrainYourDragon#Toothless #fun #hkig #dragon

「年廿八,洗邋遢」,Geoffrey 依家忙緊辦年貨同執屋、大掃除迎新年,你哋呢? Geoffrey’s Lunar New Year shopping is underway and he’s tidy up his house for the upcoming CNY celebrations!! What are your plans for the holiday? #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #CNY #LunarNewYear#YearOfThePig #HappyNewYear#NewYear #fun #happy #hkig