Purring approval of the floor length blooming dress. #DGWomen

Feminine florals are paired with a fannypack #DGDevotionBag and casual t-shirt for summer day-time exploring. #DGWomen

Sicilian colours galore. The celeste blue of the #DGSicily58 reflects the Mediterranean sky that send a promise of clear, cloud free days under the summer sun.

Piazza IX Aprile is the central hub of touristic attraction in Taormina. Filled to the brim with street artists that accompany the wondering promenades of tourists, and curious locals looking out over their balconies, the square opens out onto the Ionian sea, from which the steaming Etna lies, imposing and magnificent.#DGDNA

The heat of Sicilian summers can often be unforgiving, hence why the respiting and flavoursome granita has much to be appreciated in terms of refreshing the senses. A classic combination is the strawberry granita with whipped cream and a “Brioscia col Tuppo”. #DGFattoAMano

Immaculate beauty and stellar craftsmanship come together to create the #DGSicily58: a masterpiece of the utmost brilliance and the ultimate day bag.

Imposing , the Loggia del Sinatra in Ispica (Ragusa) is the square situated in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. An architectural highlight, the Loggia has twenty-six openings, all designed with a semi-elliptical structure, based on Bernini’s colonnade in San Pietro.#DGFattoAMano

The traditional “Brioscia col gelato”: symbol of Sicilian summer. These are the components: the “Brioscia” (with or without its “Tuppo”) with a gelato filling. Whether the “Brioscia” and ice cream is eaten for breakfast or as a snack, it remains the delicacy of all delicacies, a true culinary Sicilian masterpiece. #DGDNA

The new Dolce&Gabbana Fall Winter 2019-20 Children’s Advertising Campaign. #DGCampaign #DGFW20#DGBambino
Milan, Italy

The new Dolce&Gabbana Fall Winter 2019-20 Children’s Advertising Campaign. #DGCampaign #DGFW20#DGBambino
Milan, Italy

The new Dolce&Gabbana Fall Winter 2019-20 Children’s Advertising Campaign. #DGCampaign #DGFW20#DGBambino
Milan, Italy

The new Dolce&Gabbana Fall Winter 2019-20 Women’s Advertising Campaign, shot in Milan by Branislav Simoncik. #DGCampaign #DGFW20#DGELEGANZA #DGWomen
Milan, Italy

The new Dolce&Gabbana Fall Winter 2019-20 Women’s Advertising Campaign, shot in Milan by Branislav Simoncik. #DGCampaign #DGFW20#DGELEGANZA #DGWomen

The new Dolce&Gabbana Fall Winter 2019-20 Women’s Advertising Campaign, shot in Milan by Branislav Simoncik. #DGCampaign #DGFW20#DGELEGANZA #DGWomen

Emilia Clarke, the face of The Only One fragrances, wears Dolce&Gabbana in this feature for @ellemiddleeast. Photographed by @williamshirakawa. #DGWomen#DGCelebs #DGBeauty#DGTheOnlyOne

Bianca Balti wears Dolce&Gabbana on the cover of @elle_russia.Photographed by @kerryhallihanStyled by @lilyasimonyan Makeup by @christianmcculloch Hair @serenaradaelli #DGWomen#DGCelebs #DolceGabbana#ellerussiajuneissue #ellerussia#biancabalti #ellerussiacover#midsummernightsdream

Margot Robbie wears Dolce&Gabbana on @voguemagazine.Photographed by @inezandvinoodhStyled by @tonnegood #DGWomen#DGCelebs

Kris Jenner pictured wearing a long, floral Dolce&Gabbana gown.#DGWomen #DGCelebs

Kate Beckinsale pictured wearing Dolce&Gabbana. #DGWomen#DGCelebs

Lady Kitty Spencer pictured wearing a floor length pink Dolce&Gabbana dress. #DGWomen #DGCelebs

A constant conveying of emotions, from the omnipotent and virile statues of Greek Gods and temple ruins, to the mystical elegance of the classical dancers the “Palazzo dei Gesuiti” in Sciacca set the scene as the perfect location for the beautiful depictions of the Alta Sartoria Collection. Discover more about Alta Sartoria on @dolcegabbana_man.#DGAltaSartoria #DGFattoAMano#Sciacca #DGLovesSicily#DolceGabbana

In what the Greeks called the house of the Gods, a sacred location whose interior is usually off-limits, the safeguarding of the ground was of utmost priority. Maximum effort, attention to detail and care were essential elements required to work on a magical location like this one, creating a runway that began from within the temple and extended to about 70 meters long. Special thanks to Regione Siciliana – Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento and Comune di Agrigento. #DGAltaModa#DGFattoAMano #MadeInItaly#Agrigento #DGLovesSicily#DolceGabbana

Finding and creating the perfect location for Dolce&Gabbana’s Alta Gioielleria was a careful and meticulous process. The Doge’s palace in Palma di Montechiaro, rooted in mysticism with the Tomasi family and the story of the Gattopardo, turned out to be the perfect place to celebrate not only a jewellery collection, but a location of grandeur, entirely restored to its former glory. Furthermore, the surrounding areas around the palace were revived with the activities of old shop windows and magnificent Mediterranean plants protected by the Fondazione @Radicepura and cultivated by Piante Faro. #DGAltaGioielleria #DGFattoAMano#DGLovesSicily #DolceGabbana

Take a look at the meaning and the significance behind each dance, the procession, and the musical representation of the all the folkloristic celebrations present at the Dolce&Gabbana celebration party: a culmination of Sicilian grandeur after the days of Alta Gioielleria, Alta Moda, and Alta Sartoria.#DGLovesSicily #DolceGabbana

The inspiration behind the set up to the Alta Moda dinner is the lighting created as the sun strikes the Temple of Concordia: a golden atmosphere of unequivocal charm and taste.#DGAltaModa #DGFattoAMano#DGLovesSicily #DolceGabbana

Get the ultimate insider’s look into the preparation, inspiration, and the vision that the chefs and decorators had for the Alta Gioielleria dinner, held at the Palazzo Ducale Tomasi di Lampedusa in Palma di Montechiaro.#DGAltaGioielleria #DGFattoAMano#DGLovesSicily #DolceGabbana

The flowers depicted on this embroidered dress branch off from neoclassical vases decorated with embossed figures, resulting in sculptural works that are worthy of collection. Special thanks to Regione Siciliana – Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento and Comune di Agrigento.#DGAltaModa #DGFattoAMano#DGLovesSicily #DolceGabbana

A tribute to femininity and sensuality, the female Greek deities are represented on this shimmering kimono exactly in the same way that artists of Ancient Greece would have depicted them, with the ultimate goal of giving shape to the ideal of beauty. Special thanks to Regione Siciliana – Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento and Comune di Agrigento. #DGAltaModa#DGFattoAMano #DGLovesSicily#DolceGabbana

Like in classical art, the symmetry between the volume and the harmony of every single element is what characterizes the base of every sartorial creation. Special thanks to Regione Siciliana – Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento and Comune di Agrigento. #DGAltaModa#DGFattoAMano #DGLovesSicily#DolceGabbana

Specific techniques and tools are used and required for the stone setting of the most precious gems, a craftsman’s job where manual dexterity is imperative to the realisation of beautiful jewellery.#DGAltaGioielleria #DGFattoAMano#DGLovesSicily #DolceGabbana

Ancient arts that highlight and distinguish the high level of artisanal craftsmanship are part of the key process that makes the creation of Alta Gioielleria pieces one of a kind.#DGAltaGioielleria #DGFattoAMano#DGLovesSicily #DolceGabbana

Intricate and delicate, the process of embedding and setting precious jewels into perfectly sculpted items of Alta Gioielleria is a veritable art. Take a look at the making of the serpent necklace. #DGAltaGioielleria#DGFattoAMano #DGLovesSicily#DolceGabbana