20yrs service in any industry is a true milestone – it demonstrates dedication, talent, hard work, and peer acknowledgement. They will be great and bad memories, highs and lows, people to love and people who hate. But when you come out the other end successful, recognised, and respected in something you have dedicated your entire working life to, it makes it all worthwhile. My wife once said to me that she never saw herself as especially talented, beautiful, nor the most socially smart. But she said that she overcame that by trying to be the hardest working. For example, two months of filming a TVB drama with hardly any sleep would be enough for many peers to require a long rest before the next job. But not her. She is famous for immediately pushing producers and decision makers for the next project! Tough and “indestructible” as she was known to be by her colleagues, this has led her to where she is now. Today she can still enjoy projects but also carve out some time for personal life. We are lucky indeed to have her at this point. To say that I am proud of her milestone is not sufficient. My own line of work is all about grit and determination. So I deeply respect, I admire, and I salute her. Well done Wifey, and hopefully you can continue for as many more years as you want and enjoy in this career that you have given so much to ?@myoliemyolie @berrieskitchen#twentyyears #work#anniversary #hongkong

This kid is pure joy ❤️ #myboy#brendanyiktinglee

Hello Ryan Lee 李奕霖 ?? 奕 (Yik) – both Ryan’s and Brendan’s generational name given from our clan’s family tree. Ryan – an Irish name following in big brother Brendan’s footsteps. We liked the name and later found out it means “little king” – cool! Well done & thank you to Mrs Lee for everything ❤️ BTW mommy and son have been doing well in the last couple of weeks.@myoliemyolie #我們四#newborn #FamiLee #hakka#hakkajai

Friday happy hour time – go BIG or go home! ? @wahtikihk#happyhour #LKF #hongkong#12L #balthazar #thenec

About Friday night: Operation Smile Boxing Charity Dinner ? Supporting my bro Dixon who went from being the laziest guy on earth to learning how to box from zero in the last 6mths, even training 5hrs a day, 6days a week in the last two months. Watching him transform from a 185lb uncoordinated sloth (?) to an energetic 155lb fighting adonis has been truly inspirational, making all of us so proud of him. Maybe it’s time for me to put on some gloves…..? The message? If you commit, then commit 100% Win or lose, give it your all ?? Operation Smile coincidentally is the same charity where @myoliemyolie and I visited a remote town in Yinchen near Inner Mongolia last November, there we witnessed a tremendous international voluntary effort to operate on 100 children born with cleft lip/palates. Imagine that – a 40min op to change a child’s life of not being able to eat or speak properly, not forgetting a life of social ostracism. Extreme poverty means some parents struggle to get to the hospital, have nothing to eat for the days waiting for the op, and Operation Smile even subsidises for these obstacles. It was good to see Dr Wang Xian Wei again. A true unsung hero who has led field operations for Operation Smile for over 20yrs. He and the team try to ensure that every dollar goes to operating on the children and his stories are always touching and humbling. Pls support these worthy causes in mind, time and money my friends! Every little helps to make a child smile again.#operationsmile #cleft #charity#boxing #blacktie #hongkong#china
Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel

Dumpling lunch before our own little dumpling arrives ? Good taste! Mrs Lee approved.@myoliemyolie#pregnancycravings #dumpling#shanghai #菜甫豬肉包 #生煎餃#小籠包

Thank you Mrs Lee for making me my favourite pad see ew for a simple and sweet Father’s Day lunch ? I know some of you will ask me how it tasted. Well of course it was 10/10 la! ?@myoliemyolie #fathersday#lunch #padseeew #thai#noodles

Happy hour with Brendan #happyhour #applejuice#brendanyiktinglee

Wow Hong Kong good morning! ?? Beautiful sunrise outside my balcony today ? #sunrise#skyporn #hongkong

My dinner tonight. Very nice#wonton #beefbrisket #noodles#localeats

Coming soon….???? @myoliemyolie #littlelee#littlebrother

Our little gentleman ❤️?? Ah Mere, Aan Kai Aan Tai Lai Joo #BrendanYikTingLee

Pho for the Wifey Hainanese Chicken Rice for me. Happy days@myoliemyolie #lunchdate#chickenrice #pho #foodie#MrsMrLee

Cheeky Brendan wants to say Happy Mother’s Day from him and Little Lee. (Pay me later son ?) Moo Chin Jet Kie Lok@myoliemyolie#internationalmothersday #母親節快樂

Today marks 12yrs since I left UK ?? for HK ??. Time flies indeed. I previously wrote a long post on things that I have learnt during my time here on my 10yr anniversary in May17 so I will skip those. The last 2yrs have been very special with my son Brendan coming into this world and my taking on a new duty as a father. It has been the most important role of my life so far and such a responsibility would never have been possible without Myolie and of course Mama Lee who has been by Brendan’s side during this time. I appreciate them very much. When Baby 2 arrives we will be ready! My work continues to give satisfaction and challenges in different measures every day. Entitled people continue to stain work but we just learn to deal with it. Being profitable is the very important but juggling staff, best practice, back office, revenue, customers, hiring and firing while keeping heads high and methods honourable isn’t easy but I stay committed. Some wealth and even privilege is great to have in life, but too much blinds and misguides some obsessed people. I will make sure my family work to know this. I have been lucky when it comes to friendship. Support and love comes from all types of friends, but as always HK certainly trains you to know who are your “friends” and who are real “FRIENDS” Lastly, my physical change from a “young” 30+ single guy 12yrs ago to a fuller and older family man in this photo is very apparent ?, but underneath it’s interesting to feel like I’m the same person but also that there have been some very important changes and I know deeply that I am very lucky and blessed to experience and have what I have. #twelveyear#hongkong #fromboytoman#orfrommantooldgeezer#singleVSfamilyman

My first ever custom made suit was made exactly 12yrs by Linda Chow or Aunty Linda as we call her. All my subsequent suits including my wedding outfits have been made by her. A remarkable, energetic and perfectionist lady who has worked in custom tailoring in Tsim Sha Tsui for over 50yrs. Her inspiring story of how her poverty stricken family came to HK, and how she worked her way from a teenager till today, her stories of HK and how it has changed are always fascinating to listen to. No FB, no Insta, no marketing. All word of mouth. Old school mindset, old school methods, and old school standards at fair prices along with her fussy nature have won her customers from all over the world. I have had many opportunities to make suits elsewhere. But I don’t need it. I don’t need to try different things all the time. Same with my hairdresser in Sham Shui Po, the local food I eat. There’s something about staying loyal to the basic things in your life ? Last few years she has been talking about retiring, and while I know the workaholic in her, as well as her loyalty to her customers make me doubt how immediate it is, I still made a bunch of clothes this time justttttt in case ?. Guys! Support HK local traditional businesses! They are the heartbeat of HK. Linda Chow Custom Tailor Room 1101 Universal Commercial 69 Peking Road TST Kowloon Tel: +852 2316 2366 #auntylinda#lindachow #lindachowtailors#tailors #suits #custommade#hongkong

About last night – HAPPY BDAY JAC ? True story. So as I was about to take this photo with the ladies. “Waittttttt! Don’t do it!” – Bob comes running over “It’s tooo dangerous! Don’t take it with all these girls!” Me “But they are all like my sisters – known them for 10yrs” “Doesn’t matter! People talk so much crap nowadays! Be safe! Ok take one but with me. Come here, hug me hard baby!”? ? ? Bob is a funny guy indeed.@bob_lamshingbun@jacquelinchng @lisa_chng@xmonachngx @phoebspang@adrienne_lau @phoebe___lan@chun_janice #birthdayparty#canyouspottwosetsoftwins

Sorry no sharing. Wait for your own one please! Doi Um Choo, Nga Won Men Um Sit Det.@myoliemyolie#yesiorderedtwobowls#noodlelovers #cuteface#MrsMrLee

Mr Pisces and Mrs Scorpio claypot rice dinner date with Mr Pisces and Mrs Scorpio ♓️x♏️ @paisleyhu @palsinn@myoliemyolie #bojaifan#localeats #pisces #scorpio#apparentlyagreatmatch

The suit still fits yessss ?? Oh and someone told me last night I look around 30-32yrs old. I liked that person very much indeed and of course complimented him on how amazingly accurate his observational skills were.#banlengleng #wedding #tuxedo#blacktie#bathroomselfiewhynot

Tiger Woods – 2019 Masters Champion. What a moment you absolute legend. I learned to play golf because of you! His career has seen him touch the heavens, and fall back down to earth with a huge whack. It had been over a decade since he last won a major. Scandals, injuries, surgeries, age. They laughed at him, they turned their backs on him and he seemed to be on a road to nowhere for some years. But he put his head down, trained hard, kept quiet and never gave up. I’m not a professional sportsman, but I know that we don’t get to see the pain, the intense discipline, long periods of time, and big sacrifices these guys make over decades of their lives to get to where they are. Grit and perseverance. Something we can learn and inject into our own lives and careers. My industry see so many people give up or make excuses when the going gets tough. Always quick to blame someone or something else. I have witnessed these people continue their negativity and excuses and of course their lack of results. Tiger Woods – thank you for inspiring and teaching us that we can fall hard, we can fail miserably, we can even be ridiculed and downtrodden by others, but in life we have a choice to quit bitching, stop blaming others, shut the fk up, focus, commit, never give up, and make it back stronger than ever. I will enter this week with the same attitude as your expression.#motivationmonday #tigerwoods#2019masters #masters#comeback #golf #legend#respect @tigerwoods@themasters

Never mind me. I’m just posing hard and trying to take this sh*t seriously by sucking that tummy in – you never know, there may be a market for old Asian male “models” ?? Ngai Dee Dau Hau Chok. Um Hau Daa Ngai. Um Goi Sai #我知好chok #唔好打我 #玩下姐 #mysondoesitbetterthanme#thailand #funinthesun#kohsamui#isthereamarketfor45yrsandover?

Dear Son, Happy Children’s Day! Being a gentleman is not easy. But you must always try your hardest. I know that holding the handbags of your Kai Mas is exhausting so well done and be strong! I wrote the following for you when you were born. Hopefully you will read this in the future and can be all twelve “H”s as you grow up. Please be; 1. Happy – smile everyday 2. Healthy – number one priority 3. Handsome – why not ? 4. Honest – be straight up 5. Humble – to everyone 6. Hungry – in life and for success 7. Humorous – being funny always helps 8. Hard working – the only way to get to where you want to go 9. Heroic – stand up for people in need 10. Honourable – in everything that you do 11. Helpful – to those in need 12. Heartfelt – in your actions and thoughts Love, Your Dea Dea xx ? Photo credit ?: @nwuuu #gentleman#BrendanYikTingLee#futurebagmodel

Thailand’s humble Pad See Ew. One of this great country’s best gifts to mankind ??? #myalltimefavourite #padseeew#4timesin4days #thailand#kohsamui #noodles #foodie

The four of us ❤️ Yit Ga See Hiu ? #我們四 #wedding #thailand#kohsamui #FamiLee