Tiffany Lau 劉穎鏇@itstiffanylau523 帖子16万 关注者740 关注 Miss Hong Kong 2016 1st Runner Up & Miss Photogenic ? los angeles | hong kong weibo: 劉穎鏇_Tiffany Job ?: Fonia +(852) 9427 9636 |

你哋會唔會支持我哋姊妹們先? ☺️❤️ 記得繼續收睇《兄弟》同埋頭我哋一票 “最佳劇集”!! ??? #姊妹們 #馬斯婷 #楊青青 #陳鈴 #兄弟 #fistfight

真係估唔到自己會有份拍一套台慶劇,真係好榮幸有呢一個機會,依家仲有份提名最佳女配角! ??有份提名,我已經好開心… 好滿足!!! 好多謝所有支持我嘅人… 我會繼續努力,唔會令你地失望㗎!! ❤ 同埋希望大家會繼續支持我地《兄弟》! ?? 記得逢星期一至五晚上八點半… 開電視睇啦!!! ?? #兄弟 #fistfight #陳鈴 #Zero #台慶劇_____________________________________________ outfit: @iblues_official @iblueshk

如果個世界整定我以後冇得再打拳, 咁我以後可以做啲咩…? ? if the world has decided that i will never be able to box again, then what should i do? #陳鈴#Zero #台慶劇 #兄弟 #fistfight #今晚八點半 ?

oh hey there, big bro! ??♀️ #howstheweatherupthere #兄弟 #fistfight

Behind the scenessss ??#Repost @mytvsuperwith @make_repost ・・・ 【兄弟背後.#劉穎鏇求逼真用生命力硬接】 . 「我嗌佢堅打我。」 . 所有出色嘅武師都會幫演員喺最安全、最低風險嘅情況下,完成一幕幕逼真嘅動作場面。而劉穎鏇喺《兄弟》入面飾演年輕女拳手陳鈴,為求演繹負傷上擂台嘅逼真效果,佢竟然要求對手李天縱唔駛借位,直接打佢條腰!(足本片段請上myTV SUPER Facebook專頁或YouTube頻道收睇) . 從排練嘅花絮片段睇得出,初次出演劇集嘅Tiffany真係搏到盡,最後出嚟效果非常好,一切付出都係值得嘅! . #但打面盡量唔好太真 #myTVSUPER #兄弟 #兄弟背後#星期一至五晚8時30分於翡翠台播放 #3小時即時回看 #亦有點播區俾你重溫 #王浩信 #楊明 #伍允龍#朱晨麗 #江嘉敏 #石修 #陳庭欣 #張武孝 #秦煌 #林韋辰 #許家傑 #何君誠 @vincentwong07@matyeung @straightblast5 @kaman_kong@rebecca_zhu @itstiffanylau @toby_yanyan@jackhero5 @hokwanshing @lenali0310_______________________________________ Hotline: 2399-9666 Facebook: Youtube: Website:

永不放棄你自己嘅夢想! 無論個結果係點,最重要係可以話俾自己聽你已經盡咗自己所有嘅能力!! ?? NEVER stop chasing your dreams and NEVER give up!! no matter what happens in the end, know that you gave it your all and tried your very best ??? 你哋有冇睇今晚果集啊? 你地覺得點? ? #陳鈴#Zero #兄弟 #fistfight

tonight is the night… LETS FIGHT! ? 我今晚要打啦!!! 唔知個結果會係點呢 ???♀️ #gamefaceon #兄弟 #fistfight #Zero #陳鈴 #今晚八點半 ?

nothings better than a new set of trendy Christmas makeup! ? loving the colors of the eyeshadow compact, lipsticks, mini lip pencil, mascara, and brow pencil!! it really is all your necessities in one cute, convenient clutch bag ☺️? #EsteeHK#GiftsofWonder #EsteeWishlist @esteelauder_hk
which do you like better? smile or straight face? ??✨?

TVB 50+1, Happy Birthday ??❤️ #萬千星輝賀台慶 _______________ dress: @paradiso_bridal hair: @people920 makeup: @chloe0819 jewellery: @lukfookjewellery_official #六福珠寶#Lukfookjewellery

strut strut strut ?❣️ @iblues_official @iblueshk

i’m coming for ya!!! ? vroom vroooom ?? thanks for having me and allowing me to hear the crazy roaring engines in person! ? #SuncityGroup太陽城集團 #SuncityGroup #第65屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車 #MacauGrandPrix #CollaborationGroup

我今晚出場呀!!! 大家記得今晚8:30睇《兄弟》see you tonight!! ☺️? #陳鈴 #Zero #兄弟 #fistfight #台慶劇

GIRL POWER ???? 聽晚,晚上8:30 翡翠台!!! 唔好唔記得開電視啊!! ☺️? #兄弟 #tvb #fistfight #台慶劇 #姊妹們

are you ready to fight? ? 你哋準備好未啊??? 大家記住11月12號晚上8:30 開電視睇《兄弟》?? #Zero #陳鈴 #兄弟 #tvb #fistfight #台慶劇

thank you for an amazing experience, Turkey ???? #serenity #trulybeautifuldestination#travelmore #iwanttotraveltheworld ?

大家好! 我係陳鈴, Zero! ??♀️? 希望大家會多多支持, 《兄弟》?? 11月12號晚上8:30!!! 記得開電視睇啊! ?? #兄弟 #fistfight #Zero #陳鈴

THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS!!! ?⏳ 好快就有得睇啦!!! 《兄弟》11月12號晚上8:30!! ??? 希望大家會多多支持!!! ❤️ #兄弟 #fistfight #陳鈴 #Zero#comingsoon #7moredays

you know its almost the holidays when you see christmas lights ?? just in time for me to use a new bottle… and look at how festive the design on this ultimune power infusing concentrate is!!! i love using Ultimune because my skin absorbs it so well and it keeps my skin feeling hydrated and smooth! ?#ShiseidoHK #BeautyIsAGift#ShiseidoxRibbonesia #Ultimune #ShiseidoMakeup

真係咁都得??? ? 話咁快我哋嘅節目就做完啦!!! ☹️ thanks to this awesome team for taking me around hong kong and finding unique things that were really interesting for us to film ??? #funteam #真係咁都得2

last episode tonighttt!!! let’s go on this ride together!!! ?♀️? 今晚最後一集啦!!! 記得開電視睇啊! ? #3日2夜 #cappadocia#DiscoverCappadocia #TurkishAirlines#DiscoverIstanbul #WidenYourWorld#TurkeyHome

simple but different ✨? #2019tvbsalespresentation thanks to: ??♀️: @people920 ?: @circleeeee dress: @pennyblackhkaccessories: #linksoflondonhk


just me in my overalls ??

getting sunkissed in the ancient land ☀️ #今晚記得睇呀 #3日2夜 #TurkishAirlines #DiscoverIstanbul#WidenYourWorld #TurkeyHome#southernaegeanturkey #guneyege #denizli#aphrodisias

Never forget to always “treat others the way you would want to be treated!” ? this phrase is so often said, but not so often performed. i cannot express how important this phrase is, as words can really hurt a person. ? #bekind#alwaysthinkbeforeyouspeak#everyonehasfeelings #spreadpositivity

i’m going back to university! ?? well here goes nothing! ? so after a lot of thinking and self re-evaluation, i have finally come to a conclusion. I have been so incredibly blessed to be given the opportunities that i have now and I do love my job! ? However, I feel like there is still something missing in my life. College was something that i had left 2 years ago, when i decided to take the step and pursue my dream of running in the Miss Hong Kong pageant! From that decision 2 years ago, it has brought me a whole lot… more than I could have ever expected! But recently, I realized how much my heart wanted to continue studying and how much I really wanted to get my Bachelor’s degree! And no, I don’t want the degree just for the name, nor was I forced or pressured by anyone around me; but it really is for myself and my family. Ever since I was little, I’ve always been surrounded with the importance of studying and finishing college. Maybe it really was engrained inside of me how important it is and so I really want to prove to myself that I am capable of doing it. So with that said, I am so incredibly thankful in this day and age with technology, because it is allowing me to do online studying! Today, I cannot be more excited to announce that I will be continuing working hard at my job as an artist, as well as studying online for my Bachelor’s degree at the same time! ☺️ This whole journey may take time, and it may be quite difficult juggling both work and school, but I am definitely up for the challenge and hope you will all be with me through the entire journey! ❤️ #iamgoingbacktoschool #motivated#letsdothis #studentlife #nothingsimpossible#followyourdreams#thankyoutotheoneswhohavebeengivingmeencouragement

?Istanbul, Turkey ?? our very first time here and it was absolutely mesmorizing!!! ? come join us as we explore this beautiful destination!!! Remember to tune in tonight at 10:30pm on Jade channel ?☺️ also!! huge thanks to the amazing and fun crew we got to experience this country with ? #TurkishAirlines #DiscoverIstanbul#WidenYourWorld #TurkeyHome

又係我哋啦!!! ??♀️ 劉江之旅 ,聽日第一集三日兩夜你哋會唔會睇啊?? IT’S US AGAIN!!! ? tomorrow night you will be able to watch all the fun adventures we had in Turkey!!! ?? Are you ready? ?? #劉江之旅 #TurkishAirlines#DiscoverIstanbul #WidenYourWorld#TurkeyHome #三日兩夜 #晚上10點半

人生會發生好多我哋控制唔到嘅嘢,不過我哋可以控制我哋點樣去面對啲問題 ? Many things happen in our life that are out of our control, but we can control how we choose to face these problems. ??? #buildastrongmind #positivity#keepdreaming #nevergiveup #bringiton #lego

Bubble Gum, Bubble Bubble Bubble Gum ?✨?

TVB… 50+1 lets goooo #台慶亮燈 ?? #tvb #台慶劇#兄弟 #fistfight ☺️