Good vibes only ??? . melody時尚媽咪 #nofilter #chilling#perfectweather

Happy night out ???~ .#melody時尚媽咪 #tgif #lanights#ootd #wiw #lagirlatheart

Happy summer days????~ who else in hiding in their car just for 5 minutes of peace from the kids we love? ???♀️? . 眾多媽咪們的暑假正式開始了?,小朋友都被放出來了!你們⋯準備⋯好⋯了⋯嗎?!???? .#melody時尚媽咪 #summervibe#goodvibe #peaceofmind

Yes, I’m still here in Utah…deep in suburban life?. Besides the fresh crisp air , the Pleasantville-like charm of everyone who crosses your path..I’ve found the next best thing ~ DISCOUNT SHOPPING??????! 名符其實的「瘋瘋貴婦」在這裡???♀️~ . #melody時尚媽咪 #瘋瘋貴婦 #suburbia#livingmybestlife #utah#myownrealityshow#entertainingmyself

Today we went canyoneering which is a glamorous word for rock climbing . My friends who know me also know that I have a fear of heights and that propelling and repelling off canyons are not fun for me ?. But since we are here , we figured the “family package “ would be an introduction . We were obviously mistaken only to find that throughout the 4 hour experience , my friend Jenny and I would look at each other in disbelief at how hardcore each course got . ?? . I AM SO PROUD of our girls . They were so brave for first timers , focused and took each each instruction with intent and purpose . There were some looks of fear , some slips and tears , but we GOT this and made it to the end safely and successfully . This was definitely a bonding experience for all of us , and I can say we all went through some personal growth. Let me just say that you have never known true worry and stress until you see your 7 year old being instructed to step off the ledge of a canyon . I think I zoned out, or maybe I fainted consciously , but I have never been so relieved as I was today when the instructors called out , “last climb” ! ???. In the end , I faced my fears head on and the outcome was so worth it , and the views are truly spectacular??! . 今天我真的突破了。我不是一個特別喜歡體驗戶外活動的人,體育絕對不是我的強項?!講白了我是膽子很小的人又非常怕死??♀️???。但這次跟好朋友來到了Utah,我下定決心,就是要帶兩個女兒好好的感受大自然,我聽從朋友的安排,來到美麗的Zion Park攀岩!我自己沒有太多的經驗,只有之前錄外景節目碰到一點點(也是嚇得魂不守舍),可是今天的我必須很勇敢,要冷靜~因為帶了兩個很有挑戰心的小妞????。說實話,我們約教練時並不知道今天的行程是有難度的,於是到了才驚覺原來如此?!看著兩個女兒很勇敢的,充滿決心的,一步一腳印,專心聽著教練的指示,慢慢的成功一關一關的過,讓我這個做媽咪萬分的感動!❤️ . 要跨過山邊的那一瞬間,我的心蹦蹦跳,告訴自己也要為她們而拋開自己的恐懼,相信自己⋯為母則強,我們可以的???! . 結果⋯今天真的好有成就感, 兩位媽咪,四位小女孩太棒了!Amazing and so proud ??❤️! . #melody時尚媽咪#outinthewild #naturetrip#zionnationalpark #utah #HOII#wiw #lotd #sunprotection#goodvibes #gratitude

Beautiful wonders of nature in Utah, it is truly a sight to behold ?~ . #melody時尚媽咪#gratitude #travelgram #utah#brycecanyon #nofilter#summervacay #goodvibes#zionnationalpark

While chillin’ in LA, we go casual . And it seems like we go out for brunch a lot too??~ . #melody時尚媽咪 #wiw #lotd#mixandmatch #goodvibes#yummybrunch

Love my new @debeersofficialHorizon Ring!? . 可以自由轉動的設計好美~ So playful and elegant??? .#thehorizonring #onmyhorizon#thehomeofdiamonds

I ? LA~ . #melody時尚媽咪#jetlagging #caffeinefix #chillin#goodvibesonly

Full time mommy mode on✈️????! As you can tell, the luggage is mostly ????, so you can get sense of my reality?~ .#melody時尚媽咪 #longchamp#celine #rogervivier#sumervacay

MOOD. HAPPY. FRIDAY? .#melody時尚媽咪 #goodvibes#summervibes #blackandwhite#retailtherapy #ilikethesefloors

Happy gathering before we all leave for summer ?~ happy happy early birthday Jax! .#melody時尚媽咪 #omakase#welovesushi #girlsnightout

Yay! I did it …showed up for every class and finally completely my first K-pop dance experience~so fun??! Trust me , if I can do it~ you can too! Lol!! ???????? . #melody時尚媽咪#blackpink #kpop #danceforfun

Wrapped my latest commercial last night after a fifteen hour shoot and three outfit changes on three different stages ?. I am so grateful to be able to love what I do and do exactly what I love . It’s a good feeling when you’ve achieved that trust and acknowledgment that allows you to have a voice in the projects you work on. I never take any opportunities I have for granted because I know that regardless of how “seamless “ it all seems to the outside- hard work and a lot of heart invested is the only way to bring any of it to fruition . It takes a village~thank you guys, 辛苦大家了❤️???! . ? @emilyliu1118 / ??♀️ @sunnyhuanghair@fluxreelsunny / ? @yuwei5858 / ??? Fan Manager @fan_ellen . #Melody時尚媽咪#gratitude #comingsoon#worklife

My tribe for life ❤️????~ .#melody時尚媽咪 #hogan#hoganshoes #ootd #lotd #wiw#80sfashion #discotheme


New goodies and a book ??~ .#melody時尚媽咪 #michaelkors#gucci #dyson #kiehls

❤️ . #melody時尚媽咪#staycation #goodvibes#happysunday #grateful #蘊泉庄

This picture was my beginning as a mom almost nine years ago. It’s been a wonderful and very fast whirlwind of “life” so far . Sometimes messy , sometimes hard , sometimes even resulting in tears and self doubt. But all in all, motherhood has been full with nothing but love..a special kind of love that makes this journey so worthwhile and meaningful ?. Happy Mother’s Day to all of us , we are amazing ! ??? . Thank you to all my brand families for the gifts , I am truly very grateful ?❤️?! 謝謝大家的禮物和照顧,我也愛你們?~ . #melody時尚媽咪 #naturabisse#allsaints #origins #hunterboots#hogan #kipling#narcisorodriguez #longchamp#auntstella #rogervivier#oballoon #bebeposhe#twinnings #diptique #nars#newercap #tomford#armanibeauty #agete#cledepeaubeaute #debeers

About last night..thank you Piaget for inviting and dressing me up with such beautiful jewelry,it was so much fun ??~ . Thanks again to my amazing beauty team???! Hair by @u88na @hahachung1124 / makeup by @elvielvi926 / styling by @yuwei5858 / ? by @tommyc8888 . #melody時尚媽咪 #Piaget #伯爵#SunlightEscape #Possession #渡假 #微風之夜 @piaget