Budak tak mandi @ichaanisa4 ??? Balik sekolah tak mandiiiii…. Machemmm

So yummy ?
St. Albans, St Peters Street

Thank you @generationt_asia for having me @malaysiatatler ❤️ #generationTasia
W Hotel Kuala Lumpur

This is me reading about #songsongcouple ? ? You are my everything – gummy ?

Cara nak kasi baik demam.. Any congee with ginger ❤️

Since pregnant ni sha rasa dahi sha makin jendul ?
Maida Vale, London, United Kingdom

I can’t wait for December till I can see you guys again, especially my sis @merissadelina, no offence @zeek91? gonna plan a double date ( plus #babyS?) Getaway somewhere! Wee hoo ? ? #Relatedbylaw ?#relatedbylove#ourhusbandsarebrothers#probablythefirstholidayafterpantang
Maida Vale, London, United Kingdom

Pearce’s Farm Shop and Cafe

Nak berjalan lagi hari ni.. Flu ngan sore throat ni tak baik2 lagi.. But I’m feeling better…cuma dia ada rasa nak batuk and rasa macam ada mucus kat dada.. Ubat pulak banyak yang tak boleh makan for pregnant woman kan.. Baby active je tendang2.. Should be okay la kan? ? Balik Malaysia ni maybe nak ambil Flu shots for pregnant woman, kat UK ni mmg ada Dan digalakkan.. Korang pernah ambil ke?
Witney, Oxfordshire

Last dinner before my abang @hasbulelias balik KL (as if we’re not gonna see each other in KL ?) Had so much fun last night! Cukup satu family semua ada ? Have a safe flight back! P. S: @hariselias and @zeek91 dah kahwin.. Abang2 kitorg belum.. So siapa nak ngorat please pm tepi ?

I know that I won’t be the perfect mother.. I’m not expecting you to be a perfect son either.. But mommy and daddy will always love you and support you.. And protect you at all cost ?#noteforbabyS?#learnfrommistakes#beabetteryou #beabetterparent

Dah tau dah kenapa I’m down with flu yesterday. Ice cream❄️?? Still belum baik, nasib baik tak batuk2.. Ada sore throat and flu je.. Temperature pun okay.. Sebab fever can be harmful for the baby?

Saya seorang yang bulat. Tag kawan2 Korang yang bulat macam saya. #redhamode#7monthspregnant#harinidemam ?

I had so much fun with my papa and mama yesterday ? and my baby who’s on the wheel the whole day ? Kitorg bertolak pukul 11am macam tu, jalan2 area cotswolds semua.. Then 2am baru sampai rumah balik ? Sejenis gigih. And I think I need to start wearing the belly support belt.. Bila dah masuk 7th months ni, rasa macam badan nak tumbang ke depan ? braxton hicks pun dah start rasa.. The tightening around the belly area is no joke wehhh… Tapi semangat juga jalan jauh2… #babyS? Pun mungkin akan kuat berjalan lepas ni.. Mommy dah sampai merata rata ni hahahaha

Smoked mackerel ? Tekak melayu kena letak cili padi, bawang.. Perah asam limau sikit.. Doneee ?

We enjoyed the shopping yesterday, tapi hari ni I woke up with a bad back ache, kaki sakit ?

Dinner time, tapi makan dessert pula❤️

Jom pergi shopping ???

Smoked mackerel, telur dadar, French bean.. Aaaaa ?

So good to be back ❤️?? Ease the mind.. Away from all the drama..