Golden bday #trudy #gertrude#trudygarland #judgetrudy

Carefully curating content 4 u guys

As always, I had a wonderful time working with @FeedingAmericaand these mamas. Together, we helped fill grocery baskets for families who lined up to receive important staples, like fruit, rice and cereal. Thank you for having us @FeedingAmerica and @lafoodbank

Tonight LANCE BASS SPACE CAMP the song will be stuck in your head foreverrrrrr @singleparentstv on abc at 9:30/8:30c


Tonight on a new episode of @singleparentstv 9:30/8:30c, we drink, fight and multiple people have juicy hookups. It’s a comedy. Enjoy. ?

Ah to be 30 again. Angie’s birthday is metal af tonight on @singleparentstv 9:30/8:30c

10am PST @davidabwilliams and I will be taking over the @gocampaign Instagram- we’ve extended our fundraising deadline in light of the recent flooding in Pine Ridge- please join us!

❤️ @justinandersoncolor ?♀️ thanks for my ‘do darlin ❤️@dphue is having a giveaway on their page- enter under this picture there to win a visit to get hooked up at #dphuehouse

On #SingleParentDay, I’m proud to support organizations like @feedingamerica who help single parents when times are tough. Visit www.feedingamerica.org to learn ways you can help families struggling with hunger and food insecurity. —After DeAdra and her son Dacian moved across the country to leave a tough situation behind, DeAdra noticed Dacian wasn’t keeping up with his peers. He wasn’t very talkative. The doctor diagnosed Dacian with autism. DeAdra changed her life entirely to put her son first. She committed to caring for him full-time, which meant she had to pause getting a job in her new hometown. With no income, she turned to a local food pantry and @feedingtampabay to make sure Dacian had nutritious food, vital to his development. “The healthy food we receive has helped Dacian socially and with his speech. I see this kid emerging that I never thought I’d see. And now that chance is really there for him.” DeAdra hopes that in a year or so she’ll be able to get Dacian into a public preschool for kids with similar challenges. And once that happens, she can find a job. In the meantime, DeAdra’s love for her son keeps them going. “Dacian has been my strength. Him and I, we’re a great team.” DeAdra is one of the 3.1 million single moms facing hunger in America. #SingleParentDay

This is one of my favorite shoots ever- I had so much fun and it was such a supportive team who made me feel super comfortable- even though I climbed on a roof and wore a swimsuit. I got to talk about my favorite things- family, @singleparentstv, surfing and cereal. Full discretion, at first I felt unqualified to do it since I’m not a diet and exercise person- but that’s what they were after! The real life delicate imbalance of what it means to work, be a mother, and try to find time to eat/shower/sleep. ❤️ @shape

The Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota is very close to my heart. It’s the poorest county in America, with 97% living far below the poverty line. That is why I’m partnering with my dear friend, @davidabwilliams and @gocampaign to help fund operation expenses for the next two months for the Oglala Lakota Children’s Justice Center, an important center that trains and provides advocates to the hundreds of children in the tribal court system. Click the link in my bio to donate and learn more. #oglalalakota#pineridgereservation#gocampaign #whyigo#bethechange

Happy birthday @thejakechoi ur so sweet ❤️ ? ?

It’s been a while. New episode tonight! ???

Right now, one in six kids faces hunger or food insecurity. I’m proud to join @shamrockfarmsmilk and @Subway to support my friends at @FeedingAmerica. This #NationalMilkDay, Jan. 11, get a Shamrock Farms milk with a kid’s meal at Subway restaurants and they’ll donate $1 to Feeding America. We’re hoping to help secure half a million meals for local communities. Please join us to make a difference for a family or child facing hunger. #EndHunger #FeedingAmerica#FeedingitForward#NationalMilkDay #sponsored

Santa Clause is comin to @singleparentstv tonight!!! ?

Standing up for my country, myself and my daughter. #grabembythemidterms #ivoted??

Thank you so much to everyone watching and everyone working on our show!!! I’m so lucky. Love my little big second family.


TONIGHT!! @singleparentstv9:30/8:30c on abc. The kids have a wild sleepover- and Ol’ Angie has one too (w/ a hunk) ???