Peaceful french climate activists getting sprayed with tear gas WTF. Who’s protecting who? It’s 100 plus heat wave in Paris right now So sad. Repost @gretathunberg



Kani Ka Pū! Gather at Kalanimoku Bldg. Friday, 6/28/19 @ 8:30am Bring signs, Hae Hawai’i and your leo! ??????@kala_dacaptain#ProtectMaunaKea

Swim with sharks. It was amazing. My friends started a company @haleiwa_shark_tours We get to swim with my ohana DA MANO. Love sharks. Hanging with @kala_dacaptain@makuarothman @clownin808@kaimi_kaneholani @_d3mb3r_@jasonmags_ @i.am.aurelius is making gold cant wait to show u new YouTube episode. Aquaman swimming with Sharks. Just bother @i.am.aurelius cause he likes to take his sweet ass time. ??????if you are in Haleiwa. Look up @haleiwa_shark_tours Kala will take you out. Tell him Aquaman sent you. Aloha j

WHERE THE WILD STOMPED IN. Go check out our lil film. link in bio. Mahalo @captainriff@i.am.aurelius @jasonericlaciste@realdealmada @paakai97@love_cycles@benchetrit_small_music you are all my dream come true you have been through many ups and downs. Mahalo for always having my back. Love you LOLA and WOLF. Aloha j

Happy Father’s Day POPS. Love you. So thankful to be in HAWAI’I NEI Love to all my OHANA.#joedafishmomoa aloha j

When I was growing up these two men were massive influences in my life. My Great Unko GIGI And Unko BUFFALO I’m very thankful my work got me out in time and I could get home to see my Ohana I Came home to pay respects to my unko Gigi. RIP. He made everyone feel so special like you were the one. He was the only Hawaiian who flew to IOWA to make me feel like I was a kanaka maoli It was an amazing moment in my life. I felt very blessed when the KAEO’S came to Norwalk IA for my graduation God bless you Unko. All my aloha KAEO’S. love u Unko Buff and aunty Momi see u soon. Aloha j. #FathersDay

HAPPY PAPA’S DAY everyone. Please go check out our new lil film subscribe to our YouTube channel LINK in BIO. For me, it started off so simple. A boy on a motorcycle for the first time tearing through the backyard. It was only a moment in time, but the ride changed something in me, it was the moment where the wild stomped in. I saved an old rusty motor to build a bike one day, and it’s taken 3 decades to fulfill the dream. Over the years the dream evolved and now all I wanted was to build a bike with my children, to give them the same experience I had as a child, to give them the wind, and the freedom of the ride. A broken motor inspired a dream, and taught me it’s better to share those moments with my babies, the moment where the wild stomped in. What started out as a visit to @harleydavidson to pay my respects turned into a new partnership. I wanted to honor their legacy, too ride is in my blood. So my friends and I went out and shot this video on our own. To show them how important they are in my life. We built a Harley, our memories are woven into the metal, but it’s more than that, it has become a Momoa family heirloom. The legacy is Harley’s, but the memories are ours. Mahalo for the memories. Trailer music. I AM ARIES @mikehayesband New album entitled “Best Always” available on iTunes, Google Play, Spotifty, etc etc etc. Big Mahalo’s to my PRIDE of GYPSIES for making this film with me @captainriff @i.am.aurelius@paakai97 @jasonericlaciste@realdealmada@benchetrit_small_music For the amazing film score @love_cyclesshot on @reddigitalcinema@leitzcine @leicacamerausaLOVE u my lovees. Forever ours LOLA and WOLF. Armenta ohana my mom and my wife ALOHA j. #wherethewildstompedin#fathersday #cheeehuuuuu

Tomorrow is one of my favourite days of the year. But you don’t have to be a father to be a father figure. A lot of uncles and dads and friends have inspired me to be the man I am today. Most importantly MY MOTHER who carried both roles and raised an only child by herself So to all those superhero single parents out there. All my aloha and respect And to my amazing wife mahalo nui loa for making me a papa. I love you. Aloha j #WHENTHEWILDSTOMPEDIN#fathersday

I love telling stories My next project I finally get to direct a movie again and by doing these little projects WHERE THE WILD STOMPED IN helps me hone my craft. It’s parts of me that I get to share with the world. That’s what I love about Instagram but to make long format pieces we have built a YouTube channel since Aquaman to share these private moments and important topics please help by checking it out Subscribe to our YouTube channel LINk in BIO so we can make cool shit simple as that. I hope you enjoy these little pieces of me that I want to share with the world @paakai97 love u cuz #WHERETHEWILDSTOMPEDINmusic. Wild dogs mahalo @colterwall Aloha j

FINALLY HOME with my OHANA here’s a trailer to our new short film WHERE THE WILD STOMED IN It’s been my dream for 3 decades to create this. Excited to finally show you on FATHERS day mahalo to all my friends and ohana who made this film possible @benchetrit_small_music@captainriff @i.am.aurelius@love_cycles Armenta ohana @jasonericlaciste @realdealmada@paakai97 @colterwall my amazing WIFE for making me a father and inspiring me and my babies LOLA and WOLF papa loves you shot on @reddigitalcinema @leitzcine@leicacamerausa Aloha j

SLAYER Mind blown Metal Fire Aloha j

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️love metal so much fire it was one of the greatest shows of my life childhood dream @slayerbandofficial @anthrax my mind was blown Meeting your idols and they’re fucking amazing So thankful so grateful. Aloha j.#slayerforlife #anthrax #slayer#thatsawrap #dunedone

WHERE THE WILD STOMPED IN. Directed a very special piece to me can’t wait to show you. Father’s Day the best day of the year for me mahalo @jakegerba@flea333 @michaelkiwanuka@guinnessus shot on @i.am.aurelius @reddigitalcinema@leitzcine aloha j

Happy world oceans day I am blessed to be connected by heritage proud Kanaka Maoli my blood is saltwater. I cherish our oceans and our land. Let us celebrate this day. I’m coming home soon Love u ohana I wish I was playing in the waves with you. Let’s stop our single use plastic water bottles. #mananalu the wave of change is coming. #endofaugust #worldoceansdayaloha j. @leilaniwolfgramm@dahuiofficial

@i.am.aurelius YES you need a tattoo. NO you can’t leave this room YES I can have rob come over JUST WORK BOY. Love this Hawaiian he bleeds for this company and I’m so proud of him #dontfuckitup #markedforlife@grindesign_tattoo@on_the_roam teach the next generation they will be better.#wherethewildstompedin.#fathersday. Aloha j

ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE J & ETS DULL BOYS We have been on lock down trying to finish our edit I can’t wait to show u but we are going mad. Mada do something. Father’s Day is coming my favourite day of the year. Coming home babies. Aloha j. Ps send more Guinness @i.am.aurelius @realdealmada@on_the_roam @jasonericlaciste

Believe in the ones that believe in you. Support those that support you. 7 years ago I walked into @schaeffersgarmenthotelconvinced the owner to sponsor us on the first movie I ever directed road to Paloma. He gave me a discount and I walked out with a couple pair of jeans and two life long friends Robert and @mrgunnerfoxx Till this day they’re the only jeans I wear. They’ve been in the red road. Justice league to Aquaman they’re my armor. Like my carhartts These pants were only made in small batch and he’s never had this fabric again. Until now. I have to share Because I’m excited and my mama raised me that way. So here it is they’re back. The official PALOMA’S. Link to the YouTube episode is on my stories Get yourself a pair Ps don’t sit on anything white for awhile. Got to let the black bleed off And don’t wash till it’s time. Ask Robert ???? Show your marks aloha j

Like father like son. Like UNKO like nephew. @xander_and_kairoshowing me and @realdealmadaup ???? So important to teach every generation so we can change the future generation#hawaiianslap#Itsnevertoearlytostart#startthemyoung#proudofyoubabies unko loves you #cheeeeehuuuuuu. Aloha j @lonelywhale #changeiscoming#thewaveiscoming #MANANALU#infinitlelyrecyclable#endofaugust #madasonit