When you get in your car, pull these out of your purse – and remain fully convinced for a second that they will actually start the vehicle. #keystocrushingit

*Actual size

Monday ‘ralls ? #rallin’

Soooo excited to watch #americanprincess created by my brilliant friend @jamiedenbo? Check it out on @lifetimetvTONIGHT at 9 PM!!!!

Checkmate ✔️

❤️ Always ❤️

Couch Finale. ?

Stage 25 Forever ❤️

A special moment after shooting Bernadette’s final scene with these two incredible humans and genius minds @stevemolaro & @mildmanneredsteveholland I love them both more than words can say ? ?: @ansleyrix


The definition of “Thank You” is “the instance or means of expressing gratitude” and boy, do I want to express how deeply grateful I am. I’ll never forget the first time I was introduced with this amazing cast to the audience. It felt completely surreal…and I’ve got to say, it never stopped feeling that way. Even up until this photo was taken at our final cast intro. When I looked out at that audience every tape night ~ at our brilliant producers & writers, terrific directors, incredible crew…at my phenomenal co-stars by my side ~ I always felt an undeniable energy coursing through my body…the physical manifestation of pure happiness and gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single person who has made being a part of @bigbangtheory_cbs one of the greatest experiences of my life. Thank you to every single one of you who tuned in each week. I am forever changed by The Big Bang Theory and forever thankful. ♥️

What a wonderful way to say farewell with these beautiful people. @colbertlateshowtonight! ?????

It’s not that I can’t stop/won’t stop…I can technically stop, but making a conscious decision not to at this moment…MORE MEMORIES HOLLAAAAAAA!!!

Every heart expanding adventure begins with a single step. This was mine for @bigbangtheory_cbs ? My first episode. Or my first “step-isode” ~ if you will. The second pic is shortly after I joined the cast (I couldn’t believe I had my very own dressing room)! The friendships and memories that would build from these moments simply overwhelm me. ?

Can’t believe I’m writing this…Join us tonight for a super special evening. An hour long @bigbangtheory_cbs series finale ~ a can’t miss @youngsheldoncbs~ a wonderful behind the scenes show and the gang on @colbertlateshow ?

More memories from the lane…?

Before I blast you with some more TBBT memories, here’s me today in my natural habitat…a corner. ? Styling: @kevinmichaelericson Hair: @matthewmonzon Makeup: @ktmell Dress: @seanewyorkShoes: @chloegosselin

???? #cbsupfront @cbstv@kunalkarmanayyar@therealjimparsons@sanctionedjohnnygalecki@kaleycuoco @missmayim#simonhelberg #chucklorre

Round 3! Imma keep going until I hear ?!

Round 2 ? ***@kunalkarmanayyar#simonhelberg @stevemolaro@kaleycuoco @missmayim@therealjimparsons@sanctionedjohnnygalecki