他也爱我 He loves me too ?. @joeylovestheworld

也许我并不会将伤心写在脸上 因为我的梦 梦里有你的光亮
False Creek Science World

I think my cat should be in the spin off of #GOT ! Lol. Anyway, what do y’all think of Game of thrones finale?! Comments? 权力游戏最后一集看了吗?大家啥心情?说来听听。

Aww I have the best fans! Thanks @xinjie_24 for this lovely present! ❤️ I see myself on the shoes! So cool! ? . #bestfans#love #music #underarmour

If my tears could speak, they’d tell you everyone at the airport stepped on them. . I had just arrived at San Jose airport when I got the heart breaking news. . My cat has #FIP. It’s a deadly feline disease. Not contagious to humans but it was as if my heart was dying. . “7-30 days.” The vet said over the phone. . “You mean…he’s gonna die in 7-30 days?! How could this be?! He’s only 8 month old! I adopted him 3 months ago. Never had a single thought about him dying. How can there be no drug or treatment that could save him in 2019?!”. . Turns out, there is. . Today is day 36 since FIP diagnose. Joey is healthy happy and alive. . . Today is Day 25 since first treatment. 65 days to go. . . We can’t say @joeylovestheworldhas completely destroyed the God of death, but for now, we can tell death to go away, it’s NOT TODAY! . . If you or your family and friends have cats suffering from FIP, there is hope. Vets may not know everything and their hands are tied sometimes. For more info please go to @joeylovestheworld and DM me there. #FIP #fuckFIP#Gameofthrones #GOT#notToday #godofdeath #cats#catsofinstagram #siamesemix

#peace #costarica #costarica??
Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

Wild #Monkeys ! #scarface#CostaRica #costarica??
Manuel Antonio State Park in Costa Rica

Loved my stay at the Marina 🙂 #costarica #?? #marinapezvela#❤️
Marina Pez Vela

Earlier last month I visited Costa Rica ?? for the first time! Beautiful oceans forests and wild life. Didn’t know China and Korea poured money into this country building the arenas and schools. I learned about this from the locals. They told me very nice things about the Chinese – hard workers, fast learners, they’re impressed how fast chinese can quickly learn to speak fluent Spanish. Hey if I can speak fluent English, anyone can speak fluent another language. #Begrateful.#costarica #latergram #monkeys#parrots #sloth #ocean #jaco#quepos -#costarica
Jacó, Costa Rica

My baby survived! For now. I don’t even know where to begin but I’m happy to say after the last three rollercoaster weeks, @joeylovestheworld is gonna live! #fuckFIP

I love this guy so much it shatters my heart to million pieces to find out he’s got an incurable feline disease FIP last night ?. It’s just matter of time. He’s such a sweet loving kitten best of the best I’m so lucky to have met him and lived with him played with him cared for him. I’m beyond sad at this point to know I’m going to lose him in the next 40 days. ? Please treasure your loved ones because you never know when they’ll go.

Hair flip anywhere anytime. 帅到没?打乒乓球都可甩头发。如果有一天我没头发了怎么办??. .#pingpong #hairflip#notdressedforit#mydadkicksyourassinpingping#chinese #nationalsport

St. Patrick’s ride. ☘️? . . . . .#stpatricksday #johnmayer#seawall #yvr #bike #cruiser#yellow #yellowbike #asian#quge #wantingqu

If I had an English name, it would be Patience.

除非是你 别叫醒我

当别人都在睡觉的时候 整个地球就属于我一个人

Good morning. 早. ? @joeylovestheworld

My first #tbt post ever. Me holding a bunch of “dog’s tail grass” (Aka green bristlegrass) in this photo for romantic film like effect.

My heart is full ?#howtotrainyourdragon3#HTTYD3 #Mylittlefriend

Weather affect moods or moods affect the weather? ?