Stacey Doyle in the new psychological thriller Criminal for Netflix. Coming soon…

Last night Grenfell United projected onto the Houses of Parliament. It comes after they shone a spotlight on buildings that are still unsafe two years after the Grenfell fire in West London. Tonight the candidates for Leader of The Conservative Party debate on live TV. We’ve had 2 years worth of promises but little action to make sure homes are safe and people living in social housing are treated with dignity and respect. We are calling for all dangerous cladding to be replaced, for fire safety measures in all tower blocks and for a new separate housing regulator that would put people over profits. With a new Prime Minister about to be appointed, fulfilling the promises made by this Government after the fire must be made a priority. People must be safe in their homes. We will not let the promises made be forgotten. @grenfell_united#foreverinourhearts#unitedforgrenfell ?

Since I’m on stage tonight and can’t be at the silent walk for Grenfell, I’ve pinned my badge to my costume. Always in our hearts #grenfell ?

June 14th 2017 #grenfellmemorial #grenfellfire#neverforget ?

‘Perhaps the table would look better over there, Babe…’ -If Mrs Helseth and Rebecca were actually just a couple moving into their new pad. To know what’s REALLY going on, come and watch @rosmersholmplay@dukeofyorksldn #britishtheatre

Tom ❤️ #sittingunderabumroll#surroundedbycrinolines@dukeofyorksldn #tomburke

An actor prepares. #LucyBriers@rosmersholmplay@dukeofyorksldn

It’s Wednesday. It’s our matinee day. Extra prep needed for extra stamina. Thank you, Lucy Briers, for capturing these elusive creative insider-tricks. #classicallytrained

‘Equal pay is a central tenet of feminism.’ YES Benedict ?????? any sexist trolling in the comments section will be deleted and the account blocked. Have a lovely day ?

@teryart capturing Peggy beautifully x

To our Company Stage Manager, Ben Delfont, Happy Birthday. It’s is widely known you are an exceptional leader and we appreciate your commitment to the smooth running of our @rosmersholmplay Your positive attitude is contagious and we are truly grateful for everything you do. Not least for keeping score and smashing everyone at Aisle Ball. x

Zadie Smith ❤️

Here’s a little taste. Article out today in The Guardian. Xx

I wrote an article for The Guardian. See link in bio ?

Rosmersholm cast’s Sunday outing to hear our fellow actor Giles Terera play piano, guitar and our heart strings. Heh heh. Dad joke, don’t care. We love you Giles, thank you for sharing your talents with us xx

Supporting fellow cast mate #gilesterera today at Zedel’s in London. Giles sang blues, jazz, show tunes (HAMILTON!) and beautiful original songs. We love you Giles, on stage and off ❤️

Take your place in the conversation. Engage. Vote. You matter. #europeanelections2019

VOTE #europeanelections2019May 23rd

Book tickets at www.rosmersholmplay.com ‘all I yearned for was to have dominion over my own thoughts, my own body, my own future’ in a terrifying time when a US state has just taken away a woman’s dominion over her own body, Rebecca West’s words howl with resonance and power. These are the times. May we carve our own futures on our own terms. ❤️ @rosmersholmplay

This is beautiful, @chelsey.simnerYou’ve captured the moment in the play where Rebecca feels she’s about to have some agency in the world for the very first time. Change is coming. Just not the change she expects…. @rosmersholmplay book tickets at www.rosmersholmplay.com