Throwback when had longer hair. Not as long now, but thinking of cutting it short. Suggestions? ?? @kenjinghair ?? ? #sweetdreams#thoughtsbeforebed #hairtips#haircut #cissywang #汪詩詩

Monday mornings in HK… take me back to Dubai pls… ?: @wrini #workhardplayhard#dreamingofvacation #monday#happymonday#busyweekahead #cissywang #汪詩詩
Burj Al Arab

Sunday mood: Relax. . ?: @donnieyebrand #happysunday#happyweekend#dontwanttodoanything#busyweekahead #cissywang #汪詩詩

Small changes can make huge differences! May 30th: Plastic free day! 點解山竹颱風,個海會湧現咁多膠同發泡膠?因為塑膠垃圾係幾百年都唔會消失㗎! 響應5月30日無膠日,減少使用一次性塑膠,一齊保護環境,減少廢膠啦! 嚟緊5月30日 – 6月2日,希慎廣場仲會舉行「不要膠下去」X Wing Shya相展,記得嚟支持呀! @enough_plastic@ecodrivehk@NewYouthEnergyHK@leegardenshk #EnoughPlastic#ByeByePlastic #ecodrivehk#NewYouthEnergyHK#lghappenings#startsmallstartnow #無膠日 #不要膠下去 #香港新活力青年智庫 #donnieyen #甄子丹 *影片及相片所用的廢膠,90%都從垃圾堆中收集,然後清洗乾淨後用來拍攝。完成拍攝後,所有廢膠會被重用或已拿去回收

200+ volunteers approached door to door to over 700 restaurants across 18 districts in Hong Kong to raise awareness for reduction of single-use plastic! Join @enough_plasticcampaign. If we all try to use less plastic in our daily lives we can make a huge difference! Repost our videos and remember May 30th is plastic free day!#startsmallstartnow #不要膠下去 @ecodrivehk@NewYouthEnergyHK#EnoughPlastic #ByeByePlastic#ecodrivehk#NewYouthEnergyHK #無膠日#不要膠下去 #香港新活力青年智庫 #nosingleuseplastic#enviromentallyconscious
Hong Kong

60 celebrities joining our @enough_plastic campaign. Our lifestyle for convenience is causing a price to our oceans, our health, our world. Try to use less single use plastic, and together we can make a difference! 【不要膠下去】 膠全部都係膠!不如諗一諗,係咪真係有需要? 香港新活力青年智庫同Eco Drive Hong Kong發起「不要膠下去」行動,希望香港人可以減少使用一次性塑膠產品。 大家一齊係5月30日,支持無膠日,減少使用一次性塑膠! 影片所用的廢膠,90%都從垃圾堆中收集,然後清洗乾淨後用來拍攝。完成拍攝後,所有廢膠會被重用或已拿去回收@ecodrivehk@NewYouthEnergyHK#EnoughPlastic #ByeByePlastic#NewYouthEnergyHK#ecodrivehk#startsmallstartnow #無膠日 #不要膠下去 #5月30日無膠日 #香港新活力青年智庫 #林峯 #宣萱 #Bob #JaniceMan #周汶錡 #鄭希怡 #艾粒ILUB #JIM#DONALD #連詩雅 #劉浩龍 #吳業坤 #唐文龍 #余香凝@lam_fung_official@jessicahsuan_official@bob_lamshingbun@janice_man @kathychow520@yumiko.chengy @jimyan@donaldtong @shi_ga@lauholungwilfred@kwangorrrrrr@michaeltongmanlung@jenniferyuuu

#Repost @ecodrivehk ・・・#EnoughPlastic It’s actually not THAT hard to reduce your consumption of single use plastics. It’s just up to you to take the first step! Change your habit! #startsmallstartnow 【不要膠下去】 減少用膠其實唔難,膠定唔膠,只係睇你願唔願意踏出第一步。#NewYouthEnergyHK and #EcodriveHK have combined forces to start the #enoughplastic awareness campaign, hoping that Hong Kongers will change daily behaviour and cut down on #singleuseplastic use. Please support us on May 30th #NoSUPDay and reduce your consumption of single use plastic! 香港新活力青年智庫同Eco Drive Hong Kong發起「不要膠下去」行動,希望香港人可以減少使用一次性塑膠產品。 大家一齊係5月30日,支持無膠日,減少使用一次性塑膠!@ecodrivehk@newyouthenergyHK #應采兒#雪兒 #胡定欣 #唐詩詠#CAllStar #King #On仔 #釗峰#Jase #鄺潔楹 #蘇麗珊 #林愷鈴@yingcaier @michelle_saram@nwuuu @callstarcf@jase_callstar @on_callstar@king_c_allstar @judy.kwong@ceciliaso @kaening@natalietong53 #EnoughPlastic#ByeByePlastic #ecodrivehk#NewYouthEnergyHK#startsmallstartnow #無膠日 #不要膠下去 #5月30日無膠日 #香港新活力青年智庫 Note: 影片所用的廢膠,九成都從垃圾堆中收集,然後清洗乾淨後用來拍攝的。完成拍攝後,所有廢膠會被重用或已拿去回收. In order to create awareness about the problem we have had to use single use plastic in the photoshoot. However 90% of all single use plastics used was collected by our team through trash outlets, washed and recycled, where possible, after use.

【不要膠下去】 每日你會用幾多「膠」?不如諗一諗,係咪真係有需要? How much single use plastic do you consume EVERY DAY? Perhaps we should all STOP and think for a moment – do you really NEED it?#NewYouthEnergyHK and #EcodriveHK have combined forces to start the #enoughplastic awareness campaign, hoping that Hong Kongers will change daily behaviour and cut down on #singleuseplastic use. Please support us on May 30th #NoSUPDay and reduce your consumption of single use plastic! 香港新活力青年智庫同Eco Drive Hong Kong發起「不要膠下去」行動,希望香港人可以減少使用一次性塑膠產品。 大家一齊係5月30日,支持無膠日,減少使用一次性塑膠!@ecodrivehk@newyouthenergHK#EnoughPlastic #ByeByePlastic#ecodrivehk#NewYouthEnergyHK#startsmallstartnow #無膠日 #不要膠下去 #5月30日無膠日 #香港新活力青年智庫 #蘇永康#EricKwok #薜凱琪 #方力申 #梁漢文 #王苑之 #湯君慈 #湯君耀 #李璨琛 #姚子羚 #AGA #李施嬅@william_gung @eric.kwok@physit @alexfongliksun@edmond4gorleung@wongyuenb @bruce_tong@christongg @becarefullee@elaine_yiu @agaseen@selenaleelalee Note: 影片所用的廢膠,九成都從垃圾堆中收集,然後清洗乾淨後用來拍攝的。完成拍攝後,所有廢膠會被重用或已拿去回收. In order to create awareness about the problem we have had to use single use plastic in the photoshoot. However 90% of all single use plastics used was collected by our team through trash outlets, washed and recycled, where possible, after use.

【不要膠下去】 用一陣,地球就要世世代代去承受,大家真係仲要「膠」落去? 香港新活力青年智庫同Eco Drive Hong Kong發起「不要膠下去」行動,希望香港人可以減少使用一次性塑膠產品。 大家一齊係5月30日,支持無膠日,減少使用一次性塑膠! 影片所用的廢膠,90%都從垃圾堆中收集,然後清洗乾淨後用來拍攝。完成拍攝後,所有廢膠會被重用或拿去回收 @ecodrivehk@NewYouthEnergyHK#EnoughPlastic #ByeByePlastic#NewYouthEnergyHK#ecodrivehk#startsmallstartnow #無膠日 #不要膠下去 #5月30日無膠日 #香港新活力青年智庫 #陳小春 #周柏豪 #周國賢 #洪永城 #GinLee #森美 #SuperGirls #Heidi#Cheronna #Aka #Yanny#Jessica #廖子妤@jordan_chan_36 @punkhippie@endychowjaugwokyin@guruhung @ginleeginlee@sammy903 @supergirlshk@heidibibe @cheronna@aka_chio @yannyyc@jessicatsoi @fish331

Officially launching @enough_plastic campaign! Thx to @gigileungwingkei@janice_man @eric.kwok for supporting!! #startsmallstartnow#EnoughPlastic #ecodrivehk#startsmallstartnow #無膠日 #不要膠下去 #pressconference#dreamteam #support@ecodrivehk
Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel

Mom and son doing volunteer work yesterday❤️ Our @ecodrivehk team, @newyouthenergyhk, 200+ volunteers went to 15 districts, to different restaurants encouraging our community, restaurants to join our @enough_plastic campaign, to reduce single use plastic. Please join us now!#startsmallstartnow#EnoughPlastic #ByeByePlastic#NewYouthEnergyHK #香港新活力青年智庫 #ecodrivehk#startsmallstartnow #無膠日 #不要膠下去 #volunteer#environmentallyconscious#proudmama #buddhasbirthday

無止境嘅浪費,我哋點解視而不見? 眼見香港廢膠問題日益嚴重,香港新活力青年智庫同 EcodriveHK 發起「不要膠下去」行動,希望 #香港人可以減少使用一次性塑膠產品。 大家一齊係5月30日,支持無膠日,減少使用一次性塑膠! Why do we pretend that we cannot see our own endlessly wasteful behavior? #NewYouthEnergyHK and #EcodriveHK have combined forces to start the #enoughplastic #awareness#campaign to help change Hong Kongers’ behaviour and cut down the use of #singleuseplastic. Please support us on May 30th #NoSUPDay and reduce your consumption of single use plastic! @ecodrivehk@NewYouthEnergyHK#EnoughPlastic #ByeByePlastic#NewYouthEnergyHK#ecodrivehk#startsmallstartnow #無膠日 #不要膠下去 #5月30日無膠日 #香港新活力青年智庫 . . . *影片所用的廢膠,90%都從垃圾堆中收集,然後清洗乾淨後用來拍攝。完成拍攝後,所有廢膠會被重用或已拿去回收 *products used in this video were collected by our team through trash outlets, washed and recycled after usage

On top of HK!! ? @jasmineyenofficial #sohigh#topofhk #stunningview#hongkong

Mother’s Day 2019! Wang+Choi+Yen= family ❤️#lovemyfamily #blessed#thankful #happymothersday#mothersday2019

Wonderful birthday celebration for big sister @mayyangxiaojuan???❤️❤️❤️ #toomuchfun #boatparty#happybirthday#birthdaycelebration#weekendfun

Thanks Hubby! Always love receiving flowers but most importantly flowers with no plastic wrapping!! Let’s be more environmentally conscious and try to use less single use plastics! ♻️ @donnieyenofficial#environmentallyconscious#saynotoplastic #flowers#bouquet #happymothersday #無膠日 #EnoughPlastic #不要膠下去 @ecodrivehk

I also have these 2 babies. ?? #toffee and #peanut It’s not easy to get a proper photo with these 2!! Swipe ➡️ ?: @jamesyenofficial#happymothersday #poodle#beagle #soactive #cuties #dog#doggies

❤️❤️❤️ a wonderful Mother’s Day celebration!! Thank you hubby for the surprise flowers for us! My mom always gorgeous at any angle! ??? ???????@jenniferlijunwang#happymothersday#noplasticwrapping#environmentallyconscious#flowers

I am so lucky to be blessed with these 2 loves of my life. My world, my everything. ❤️ #luckiestmama #sothankful#happymothersday

Happy Mother’s Day! Look what I found! #throwback#happymothersday #childhood#peru #lima