30分鐘,20,000次肌肉鍛鍊就係So Easy! 呢排經常出Trip,想做運動Keep Fit 嘅時間都唔夠,好彩有BTL EMSCULPT™️「增肌減脂」雙效儀 幫我守住Fit &Firm嘅身形。 只須30分鐘,就可以做到 #20,000次肌肉鍛鍊,感覺好似做左20,000下Sit-ups,4次療程可以增肌16%,同時減脂19%,2星期速效緊實線條。最新醫學報告研究更指出,1年後肌肉持續增加至19%,真正幫你 #Fit足1年啱晒唔係成日有時間做運動嘅我! 儀器以 #全球唯一HIFEM磁波 技術觸發肌肉運動神經元,令肌肉持續高頻收縮達極限水平,強化肌肉同時燃燒大量脂肪細胞。過程安全無痛,增肌減脂效果同獲美國FDA及歐盟CE雙重認證。4次療程,2星期速現緊實線條,幫你瘦身兼修身。 http://bit.ly/2HzadiW #BTL#EMSCULPT #增肌減脂

跳躍生命演唱會第一站嘅團隊 ❤️ great show guys! What an unforgettable evening in Malaysia ?
Genting Highlands,Malaysia

? . #親密關係 #但願人長久 #跳躍生命在雲頂
Genting Highlands,Malaysia

Never thought I would get a chance to do something like this.. singing in an arena! What a dream! See you tonight Malaysia ❤️
Genting Highlands,Malaysia

Thank you @kellycheung_fansclub for throwing me this amazing birthday party ?❤️ you truly are the best fans I could have ever hoped for! I know some overseas fans weren’t able to make it but I can feel the love! Your support means so much to me ???

What a trip! Another destination down and lots of good memories but hands down the best part of it was working with this trio ?? happy to hear so many of you loved the show and seriously, the credit goes to our Director Fred ba @suraphol , Cameramen 柱基 and Writer/Researcher @tszyauyo ? this trip didn’t seem like work at all because we were laughing constantly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ . #3日2夜

What a beautiful first day of my new year ☀️?????? Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms! Can’t wait to be home to celebrate with my mom soon ???

Part 2 tonight ?? 10:30PM .#3日2夜
Koh Chang, Thailand


Tomorrow ? . #3日2夜

最近有沒有看<3日2夜>呢? 之前我去泰國拍攝左兩個星期,日日天氣都熱,好多觀眾都問我如何戰勝又熱又焗的天氣,頭髮仍然不油不笠,我找到一個 “無得輸”的去油秘密!就是TRESemmé最新的天然草本淨化修復洗護系列! 我帶了它到泰國陪我拍攝,它的淨化去油能力好強,再加上修復力,就算我日日換造型,都無懼頭髮損傷。它蘊含的天然紅球薑精萃,原來同平時所認識的生薑係唔同,能抗菌去油污,有效潔淨頭髮,又添加綠茶精華,配方可去除頭髮接觸到的污染物並令頭髮更強韌。我之前在外國生活時已看過鄰居種植紅球薑並將萃取製成天然洗髮水。我最喜愛係TRESemmé此系列的洗頭水是不含矽(silicone)、PARABENS 防腐劑和著色劑,為頭髮Detox之餘又不會增添負擔。最重要係要同護髮素一齊用,去油潔淨後,修復力係最強!! 好多世界各地的髮型師都推薦,之後我又拍劇又開live打機,幾忙都唔怕打理唔到頭髮啦! ? 現在到 https://bit.ly/2E1BsBx 還可享數量限定$10 現金券,選購天然草本淨化修復系列! #TRESemmeHK#Detox #天然草本淨化修復系列#去油淨化 #修復強韌

Sound on! ? . Don’t miss the 2nd episode this Saturday ??♀️?? .#3日2夜

What a fulfilling way to spend my Sunday afternoon sipping tea and sharing wellness tips! ?? “Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.” There’s no one giant step that does it, it’s a lot of little steps, and what you do today can improve all your tomorrows! ??♀️ . . Get inspiration to find your inner glow with ifc mall’s lineup of wellness and beauty workshops. Be sure to register at www.ifc.com.hk/SS19 to book the workshops in the final week! #hkifcmall#ifcwellness

Delicious delicious diamonds ???

睇咗未啊?Which was your favorite part? ? . #3日2夜

? Full video on See See TVB’s Facebook.. special appearance from Nala ? she was definitely the best part of this ASMR video ? #Repost @seeseetvb with @get_repost ・・・ ASMR之女神系列第三彈!Kelly話送畀大家佢嘅第一次體驗!唔駛再多講啦啩? #張曦雯 #鳴謝跨界別嘉賓#seeseetvb #bigbigchannel

My turn! ??♀️ This Saturday 10:30pm ???? . #3日2夜


No better way to start my mornings! ☀ Loving the new Nespresso Essenza Plus coffee machine – super sleek! Now I can prep the perfect cup of Americano at home ☕ . . . To all coffee lovers like me, check out the new Essenza Plus at Nespresso pop-up space in Central this Sunday (April 28th) from 10am-6pm! Address: 20-20B Queen’s Road Central .#NespressoHK #EssenzaPlus#CoffeePlusMuchMore@nespresso

It’s time she worked for a living ???? . #bossbabe#PrincessNala