Assemble a lunch worthy of an Avenger! Power up on the go with a little help from #AvengersEndgame @Ziploc®Brand bags. #MakeItMarvel

#TodayInMarvelHistory in 1991, Thanos SNAPS in “Infinity Gauntlet” #1. ? #Marvel80

In the final chapter of Marvel’s “Wolverine: The Lost Trail,” Logan, Maureen, Agent Pierce, and Marcus make a final stand against Wyngarde. Listen now on Stitcher Premium: wolverinepodcast.app.link/listen-here #WolverinePodcast

D’Spayre, Tyrone and Tandy are coming for you. Here’s this week’s episode poster for “Marvel’s #CloakAndDagger” by Marvel artist Francesco Francavilla (@f_francavilla).@cloakanddaggertv

Going back to our roots. Listen to how this week’s episode of “Marvel’s #CloakAndDagger” calls back to the original “Cloak and Dagger” comics in the official #MarvelAfterShow podcast on Freeform.com/MarvelPodcast, Marvel.com/AfterShow, Apple Podcasts, @StitcherPodcasts, and @Spotify. @cloakanddaggertv

Master of illusions and nemesis of Spider-Man, Mysterio knows how to turn the tide in his favor. On this week’s #Marvel101, the mind-bending marauder will use his skills to make people see what he wants them to!

Here’s your look at the new comics hitting shelves next week! What are you looking forward to reading?

In this episode of #MarvelLetsPlay, @noredavisand @tatigabrielle from @sabrinanetflix cast a spell and swing around in #SpiderManPS4! Check out Part II of #CAOS, now streaming on Netflix.

What was your favorite moment from Marvel Studios’ #AvengersEndgame? See it again in theaters: [link in bio]

? #AvengersEndgame

It’s time to eat nuts and kick butts! Learn the steps to bring Squirrel Girl and Tippy-Toe to life in this special episode of #MarvelQuickdraw How-To! Watch “@MarvelRising: Heart of Iron” now on the Marvel HQ YouTube channel! #MarvelRising

Assemble for “Mission: Road Trip”! Pack your favorite adventure trail mix with #AvengersEndgame @Ziploc®Brand bags. #MakeItMarvel #ad

Relive every moment again and again. Marvel Studios’ #AvengersEndgame is now playing in theaters. Get tickets: [link in bio]

Time to play the game of D’Spayre. “Marvel’s #CloakAndDagger” is all-new TONIGHT at 8pm/7c on @Freeform.@CloakAndDaggerTV

Read the adventures of the Pirate Angel, the Talking Tree, and Captain Rabbit! Now available from @DisneyBooks.

Listen to “Marvel’s #CloakAndDagger” writer Niceole Levy break down the latest episode in the #MarvelAfterShow podcast on Freeform.com/MarvelPodcast, Marvel.com/AfterShow, Apple Podcasts, @StitcherPodcasts, and @Spotify! For more resources on the fight to eradicate human trafficking, head over to @PolarisProject: https://polarisproject.org/ @cloakanddaggertv

Set out to build the future with new #AvengersEndgame-themed@Ziploc® Brand bags! #MakeItMarvel

You know your teams. You know your missions…but first, gear up with @Walmart! Start your #AvengersEndgame collection: www.walmart.com/avengers #ad

See what the hype is all about. Stream the the first seven episodes of “Marvel’s #CloakAndDagger” Season 2 on @Hulu, On Demand, or Freeform.com before Thursday’s new episode at 8pm/7c on @Freeform.@CloakAndDaggerTV

“Spider-Man was the first Super Hero that I was ever really introduced to.” In a new #MarvelLetsPlay, comedian @DanielSloss talks trash and fights crime in #SpiderManPS4! Watch the full episode on Marvel.com.