Tonight ❤️ @glsen ❤️ As wonderful an organization as exists… the students that spoke tonight were passionate and articulate, moving and inspiring, and proof that, with our support, they’re more than capable of shaping a brighter future for all of us. BRAVO to all the honorees! #glsenrespectawards

Walking back from rehearsal of the final episode with @missmayim on April 25, 2019. photo cred @cassiedendanto ❤️

Here we go… @colbertlateshow

It was really hard to pick the right pic for this post, so here is a shot of us in a hug after we filmed the last group scene we would ever film for the series… and TONIGHT is THE NIGHT… it’s the series finale at 8pm EST and then there’s the Young Sheldon (season!) finale, and then a special behind the scenes show hosted by @kaleycuoco and @sanctionedjohnnygalecki and then the entire cast is on @colbertlateshow I hope you get a chance to tune in and i hope you enjoy all of it. If you enjoy it even half as much as we’ve enjoyed (LOVED) creating this show for the past 12 years, then that’ll be a WHOLE WHOLE lot of enjoyment. All of us will miss seeing you in this format, but we will be around in all sorts of ways, I assure you… love love love ❤️❤️❤️

In honor of our final BBT season (and the final EPISODE- this Thursday!) TBS is showing five of my personally favorite episodes, starting tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 8pm EST. I won’t tell you which ones I picked, but here’s a pic and a hint of one of them…! I hope you get to watch them and enjoy! ❤️ #outwithabangtbs

Done. ❤️

Practice round in the lobby of the TCL Chinese Theater… ?

Given the sentimental mood of our final taping, I am just mushy enough to post a pic of me and Todd from a party at Johnnys house after we shot the original, unaired pilot of Big Bang back in 2006. I’m also mushy enough to send a very specific Thank You to Todd who has truly been my main source of sanity and gravity through this whole wonderful yet crazy journey of the last 12 years.. I absolutely would not have been able to do it without him. No exaggeration. I love u, Todd! ❤️ (thank you for indulging my sentimental evening and love to u all❤️)

knock, knock, knock, thank you… Thank you, apartment 4A, for being a home to so many dreams come true, to so many friendships made. And thank YOU, ALL of you – yes, YOU, reading this right NOW! As we get ready to tape our final episode tonight, to walk in and out of this apartment door for the last time, it is hard to find the words to articulate what a profound experience this has been. But the words “love” and “gratitude” come to mind… so love and gratitude to all of you. ALL of you. Thank you. ❤️ (oh! and happy birthday to @sanctionedjohnnygalecki and @kunalkarmanayyar – talk about good timing… may your next 12 years be as vibrant and wonderful as the last 12 years in which i’ve had the pleasure to know and work with you both ?)

HBD, Rufus. You’re a very handsome 10 year old and we love you! ❤️?❤️?

Last night we watched all 8 episodes of @specialnetflix at the wonderful theater on the Warner Brothers lot. It was a beautiful experience and, at midnight (PST) tonight, all 8 fantastic episodes will be available for you to see, too! I think you’ll love it…❤️

Very excited…! #extremelywicked

This trailer is for @specialnetflixthe show based on the book of the same name by @ryanoconnRyan’s book was the very first thing that Todd and I discovered and knew immediately that we wanted to try to produce – even before we actually had a company to produce it with; we just knew we loved Ryan’s writing and story and then we met and fell in love with Ryan and that’s all we needed to know in order to start fighting to get it made. It was a pretty long road that took a lot of turns but thanks to @netflixand @stage13network and Ryan’s unbelievable work ethic and talent, it’s here. I am very proud, as is Todd and everyone at #thatswondefulproductions and @ryanoconn should be VERY proud as well. It’s a beautiful thing and i hope you all enjoy it: watch only on Netflix, April 12th! ❤️??❤️

Well, then why did I bother getting out of bed?

Walking in LA. ☀️

Well THAT was a fun night! Thanks for coming to the show, @bubbawatson ! I think you’re awesome! Oh yeah, I like you, too @kunalkarmanayyar ?

Yay, @ryanoconn !!! and yay all of YOU who now get to see how great Ryan is! Coming atcha in April!

Have had the most wonderful time at #Sundance with #extremelywickedshockinglyevilandvileand with some incredible friends/family… and thank you @acurafor driving our booties around! (also, am with driver Bryan again like last year… HES THE BEST!) @melissamcneeley@npietrzykowski @therealtoddspiewak@juliepruski @zacefron @sundanceorg

Right?!?!? I love you, Todd! ❤️❤️❤️❤️?❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

hey y’all! we’re on @entertainmentweekly right now AND we have a new @bigbangtheory_cbs episode tonight! (fyi i have a great shot of @themelissarauch with her paintball gun but she forbade me from posting it…?)