If at first you don’t succeed, laugh until you do… www.sameyou.org

This is what it took not only to shoot ep5…but to watch it too! #? @gameofthrones @hbo#soshockingitblewmywigoff #?#?

HAPPY MAMMA (of dragons) DAY!!! This is me pretending to be Italian, and blonde. To all the mothers and daughters and sons (and people who like smelling good) I hope you find some love to give and some love to receive this fine day. And to the dragon mammas?! May you find your fyre and walk through it unscathed. @dgbeauty#DGbeauty #DGTheOnlyOne2#SheIsTheOnlyOne#mammasforlyfenotjustformammasday#love #❤️

Did I just stumble upon the truth here?! The cup bearer does not drinketh the Starbucks tea… oh and this ain’t a spoiler just a lost wanderer coming home for a mid filming cuppa….? @prideofgypsies you so fire you make my hair turn blue.#forfuturereferenceileavethebagin#drogonyouhavemyheart4lyfe#familyvalues @gameofthrones#forthethrone #forthecaffeine#forthedragons #? #? #❤️

This is it friends. The last chance to end all last chances, for the Game of Thrones experience to end all Game of Thrones experiences. You. Me. Three of your best friends who’ll have to battle for your affection to be selected. (I’m thinking episode 3 in style.) Make sure to use promo code KHALEESI100 to get 100 extra entries! We’ll hang out, chat about your favorite theories and even take some silly photos all before a private screening of the final episode. THERE WILL BE POPCORN. ARE YOU READY?!?! And now are watch is ALMOST ended…..support my charity SameYou and enter NOW through my bio link or omaze.com/emilia before time runs out!!! ?? @omazeworld#onlyatomaze #winteriscoming#screwitwinterisHERE#awinnerishere#itcantreallybeover#forthethrone#motherofdragonsfriendofomaze#????

MIND BLOWING EPISODE. (I can’t lie- I WEPT) ? but you guys….there are three more left and YOU could win a private screening of the grand GoT finale and come hang with me in London! (Fish and chips and a pint of stout anyone?) I can’t promise I’ll tell you the ending, but I can promise you’ll have an absolutely amazing time. Like seriously….I’ve not seen it, you’ve not seen it but together we can scream and cry alllll the whole Supporting my charity SameYou!!! GO ON BABY enter for your chance to win through my bio link or at omaze.com/emilia @omazeworld#onlyatomaze @gameofthrones@hbo #winteriscoming#screwitwinterisHERE#mushypeasanyone? #awinnerishere#motherofdragonsfriendofomaze

“YOURE SIMPLY THE BEST, BETTER THAN ALL THE REST, BETTER THAN ANYONE, ANYONE IVE EVER MET……?” #serjorahforlyfe#thronesthrowsapunchandahalf@hbo @gameofthrones#heartbreakhotel#bestthingiveverseenonscreenEVER

This is what perfection looks like, in case you were wondering… #❤️#mywholeheartisinthatoneearuponeeardown#foxyroxy #? #yourewelcome

Oh yeah, I am kit Harington without the (any) abs. Maybe I’ll wear this outfit when I host your Game of Thrones finale party! Maybe I’ll let you wear the beard!! That’s right—you and three friends could come hang with me in London, take lots of fun photos, ask me all your burning GoT questions (yes I kept the dragons, no kit didn’t keep his hair) and enjoy a private screening of the final episode. Just don’t ask me who’ll win the Iron Throne… you’ll have to find that out for yourself. WHICH YOU WILL IN LONDON BABY!!! Support my new charity SameYou and ENTER to win through my bio link or at omaze.com/emilia #onlyatomaze#motherofdragonsfriendofomaze#awinnerhasnonameYET#winnerofadreamexperience#undercoverkhaleesi#nowjonsnowknowssomething #? #?

Yes @time and I both called in the morning to make sure we would be colour coordinated. A DREAM of a night, thought provoking powerful insightful humans wanting to make a difference, and then dance. ?? And I didn’t tell anyone how @gameofthronesends! Success all round. Not forgetting these perfect legends of their crafts for making me look fresh and clean @fulviafarolfi@benskervin @petraflannery@narrativepr @dolcegabbana@dgbeauty #❤️ #? #?

The family portrait ?#kitharrington #jeneregretterien#okmaybehereiseetheresemblance#? #? #season8gameofthrones@gameofthrones @hbo

@voguespain you have brought the yellow to my mellow and damn my self confidence just got a delightful bow filled boost ?#ifonlyiwokeuplikethat #grasias#?? #? #? @narrativepr?♀️@jennychohair ? @kateleemakeup ?? @jennahipp? @simonrobins1000 ?@thomaswhiteside Aka the miracle workers ?

This post is because I’m bursting with pride and fan girling so bad.@loylecarner has made on hellova incredible album (insert me fangirling here) and curated one hellova amazing art exhibition to showcase his music as interpreted by amazing artists…one of which was Damien hurst and one of which is my bestest human friend and twin @myofflinecommunityofone I’ve watched him blossom into a real living and breathing artist with talent for days and it makes my heart sing! #artlivesandbreathes#bangerofanight#gethisalbumnow! #forthelove #❤️ #?

Me and my baby (dragon) (Drogon) just very excited for you all to see #season8gameofthrones which if I’m not mistaken begins….now.#gulp #enjoy #forthethrone#forthelasttime #buckleupkids@hbo @gameofthrones #? #?#☄️ #?

And then we may have got a little lit…?? But only because WE SAW THE FIRST GODDAMN EPISODE AND ITS SO GODDAMN GOOD YOU GUYS ARE GONNA FREAK OUT. ?????????? But really though…. freak Out. ??#enjoybaby #thesebefamily#forthelove #gameon #❤️

Well THAT was a like a dream floating on a cloud of goodbyes. But hellos to the very last and VERY BEST season yet! ??? These women gave me the true fire to walk out on and are my hero’s for LYFE! (Yes I’m wearing Targaryen colours) ? @jennychohair@kateleemakeup @petraflannery@georgialouisesk @MATT ativepr made me feel like a Khaleesi AND a queen ? ?oh and these threads and bling were @maisonvalentino @taffinjewelrycouldn’t have asked for a more perfect ensemble to take my dragon mamma touché to spoiler town episode one…. @gameofthrones @hbo #forthethrone#forlyfe#forgodssakeletswatcheveryepisodenow#? #? #?

?? A million million thank you’s to everyone who has read shared and sent love for my story, it’s a beautiful thing to behold and I can’t quite believe how many of you this has affected! #❤️@sameyouorg is ready to hear your stories, how you recovered and what could have made that recovery experience better. By hearing your stories we can build a case for an improved aftercare experience for all in the future…who wouldn’t want that! #sameyoucharity#love#sometimestheworldshowsyouwhatkindesslookslike#thankyou #❤️ #?? #?

?THE MOST EXCITING NEWS EVER FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING!? The charity I have been working on for a fair few years goes live today!!! ???@sameyouorg is full to bursting with love, brain power and the help of amazing people with amazing stories. @newyorkermagpublished my story, now I’d like to hear yours! #sameyoucharity#sameyourecovery #braininjury#letschangehowwehelp#letsbreakthesilence#youarenotalone #love #❤️

THIS IS IT YOU GUYS! It’s almost time for the final season… which means it’s your FINAL CHANCE to be my plus-one at our very last Game of Thrones premiere. Don’t miss your chance to support a great cause and come hang with me and the cast while we laugh/cry/snot/hug/dance all over each other at the premiere. I can’t wait. Click my bio link or go to omaze.com/emilia @omazeworld #onlyatomaze#bestplusoneever#seriouslyweregoingtopartyandcryandparty#? #itsgonnabeEPIC #❤️

Most handsome dude I ever saw. Godmamma duties going into overdrive for the day he turned 2. Yes I had to show him my license before he let me drive. #proudaspunch#honestlythemostperfecthumanevermade#canigethisdungareesinmysize? #lovelovelove #❤️

Proving that your thirties are made for clubbing till dawn. @imogen_f_lloyd you will always have my heart and my dancing shoes for LYFE! #❤️ #bffs#longtimelove#coffeepatronanditson #?