To all my fans and ohana a year ago my dear friend TOBIAS passed His tribe is making T-shirt’s of tobias’s art so the proceeds can go to make his “black-book” filled with poetry wisdom love and art Go to tobiascrabtree.com and click shop for shirts. It takes 7-10 days and it’s yours it’s all for a great cause to celebrate the human spirit. He is one of my biggest inspirations mahalo for reading this. Have a pint for tobe?. Aloha j

Check out LEICA portrait. link in bio I’ve know @mikehayesband for over a decade. He is one of the most gifted people I know. What he is able to do on a guitar is nothing short of mind-blowing. My friends at @leicacamera@kiran.karnani did a portrait piece on him that was directed by brother and fellow gypsy @jasonericlaciste and shot and edited by @i.am.aurelius . I’m so stoked to share this video with you and to see my friends, my tribe making beautiful art. I’m so proud Big mahalos to @reddigitalcinema @leicacamerausa@leitzcine @captainriff @dennydenn@paakai97 @stockezy @on_the_roam@boweryhotel Aloha j

Subscribe NOW New YouTube episode. Link in bio so proud of @chaivasarhelyi@jimmychin @alexhonnold Doing what we love CLIMBING mahalo @senderonefor making the greatest playground.@iannoemusic @captainriff@i.am.aurelius Aloha j

@worldrugby @worldrugby7s my first 7s tournament. So thankful to meet the @allblacks7s and go on the field. Win or lose. I bleed all black. @allblacks Mahalo @glennennis love u bro Aloha j

The perfect match of talent craftsmanship and our tools. We all teach each other. Capturing these sacred moments. Rebuilding the past. Inspiring the future. Mahalos to Jermiah @love_cycles for teaching me. @captainriff @i.am.aurelius for your eyes Mama armenta for the beautiful meal. @monamabel and Baby armenta’s for making it home @reddigitalcinema for our weapon of choice. @leitzcine for life and @harleydavidson for bringing it all together I love my bikes. In the wind. Where about unknown#freedommachine Aloha j

So the world knows we are safe and happy The plane failed ?not to self dirtbags and savages shouldn’t ride private planes. but the Harley runs perfect. Building my dream bike with @love_cycles 37 knuckle @harleydavidson Always wanted to build my own. It’s a slow process but my lil brother is patient. Mahalo Jermiah Always wanted to learn and teach with my babies. Aloha j.

TCB⚡️it’s not the @reddigitalcinema or the @leitzcine or even the private plane to get our asses there quick. It’s my lucky aloha shirt let’s you know. it’s fucking business time ALOHA style. Cheeeehuuuuu. So stoked to be shooting with my brothers. Mahalo to everyone supporting or next journey.@on_the_roam Secrets ?? mahalo laura and @kiran.karnani for rushing out our lenses. You did it can’t. So thankful. Aloha j

So stoked for my friend @jamin_jannard i saw Wonder Woman on his phone in 3D and it blew my mind. Then he told me he was going to get to release Aquaman in 3D without glasses on @redhydrogenFirst 1,000 to purchase #redhydrogenone on www.h4v.com. Get AQUAMAN for free. Mahalo jamin for supporting WB and DC aloha j.

LEGEND good times with the cuzzy bro @taikawaititi Can’t wait to make art with you. So much respect. Aloha j

I’ve been wearing @wescoboots or @birkenstock for almost every character I play, they are my go to when it comes to boots there my lifers I wanted to share this because now that AQUAMAN 2 has a release date ???I will be breaking in these bad boys for the new movie. If u want to get a pair there’s a limited amount that released today. Lil fun fact Wesco has been making boots since 1918, as we celebrate this 100year+milestone, we have recreated a limited edition release of our Jobmaster boot. These Limited Editions known as the “38’s” are available in two options- Lace to Toe and Regular Toe. These Nail Constructed boots are based off the original build from 1938 (when we introduced this model).they are only available to preorder from March 1st-March 17th. You can order them on our website or direct through chris@wescoboots.com cheeehuuuuuu. Aloha j

Excited to start a new project and film. Shooting movies on the @reddigitalcinema @leitzcine and photos on @leicacamerausa#LeicaSummicronM. #M10. living on set I have learned from so many wonderful artists I want to thank Zack Synder @cruelfilms and @wfmft for starting my Leica obsession than @nicholasdominictalvola for always informing me and inspiring and @dennydenn @candytman for setting the bar. @lennykravitz always killing it. @johnson167 best gear. @kiran.karnanifor making my dreams come true. Can’t wait to show everyone It’s gonna be a great couple years filled with art#theduneadventures. #pastandpresent#theroots #leicalover. Aloha j

@senderone Sending jimmy and Oscar home. I am so fucking proud of @freesolofilm as the dust settles from this crazy weekend. I am so thankful to see my friend off @jimmychin Both of us Midwest boys. Dreams of travelling and climbing around the world. I got into this industry because of climbing. I’m so proud to be a climber. I love to pass it on to my babies and the youth. It keeps me grounded. It is my roots. So proud of you @chaivasarhelyi @jimmychin@alexhonnold you are delightful ?@natgeo and everyone who made this film. All my aloha j.

I felt like a KING last night. Because of you my love. So honoured to attend and present at the Oscars. To meet so many talented artist congratulations to every nominee all these amazing films@helenmirren i love you such a honour to stay by your side Also love to send my deepest aloha to @karllagerfeld RIP @silviaventurinifendi @jeanneyangstylefor taking my pink velvet scrunchie and turning it into a suit. Unko KARL your a legend. Mahalo for my first suit And to all my insta homies who always make me the coolest jewelry. Love my rings @bookofalchemy @intothefirejewelry@judicael_sacred_skulls@richardbaggettstudios@leroyswoodentattoos@king_baby_studio @hoboshane@red_rabbit_ia and so many more. Cheeeeeeefuknhuuuuuuuuuu #hhrajahhh. #pinkonpink. Aloha j

New YouTube episode. Link in bio Our first Oscars. Mahalo to @jeanneyangstyle @silviaventurinifendi@karllagerfeld @fendi @i.am.aurelius u killed it bud. Aloha j.

Its just started. I’m going wild tonight cheeeehuuuuuuuuuuu. #freesolo. I’m coming for u @jimmychin aloha j

So proud of you @emilia_clarke I love u with all my heart Aloha Drogo

What an honour to see those words FREE SOLO. I’m so proud of @alexhonnold @chaivasarhelyi@jimmychin so stoked to announce that. The climbing community is truly proud an amazing film. Congrats ohana. Aloha j

Me and my QUEENS

Mom. I met BABS. ????? love u ma

I love u wifey. #Pinkonpink. #lookgood

OSCARS. Cheeehuuuuuu aloha j. Helen love u

Me and best friend @captainriff Having some downtime. We don’t have enough brother. Life is so packed with things to do. I treasure these rare moments Also I’m probably contractually not supposed to snowboard or do half the shit I do. So I’m super thankful that @kim_fardy came to sundance to double me on this mountain so it looks like I’m really shredding the gnar. When in actuality I was in the bar being a safe responsible savage ? mahalo @youtube for your trust and support in us @i.am.aureliushad a blast. and my @earthroamer crew I love u Annie and ty. Mahalo nui loa for coming out to hang with us. Aloha j#hhhhrajahhhh

Re United @martinhendersonofficial one of the greatest experiences of my life was working with this guy on The Red Road. Loved that show. love atlanta. That cast and crew was epic. Aloha j

Currently broken down getting a tow rescued by friends and AAA. I want to say how unbelievably thankful I am to be getting to work on DUNE with the legend director Denis Villeneuve it blows me away that I get to bring Duncan Idaho to life. I am so excited to be working with this all star cast so much talent. Fucking @joshbrolin and javier. WTF I’m so stoked. Anywho. I am also thankful on this beautiful rainy day my dear friend @jamin_jannard blessed @on_the_roamwith the monstro 8k @reddigitalcinemaso now everything we are shooting its RED and @leicacinema for our channel. What’s to come. 2 movies 1 show 3 commercials. BTS YouTube channel can’t wait to show you all our projects. So much aloha Need a new car it’s time. Maybe not. I like the old shit. Maybe just fix it. Humbled Aloha j

@captainriff sent me goodies. Little preview of my day with @iannoemusicThe Cave sessions On the ledge. In the wind by the fire @on_the_roam Cant wait to start piecing it together@i.am.aurelius get ready Mahalo to all my friends for supporting me and jamin from @reddigitalcinema I love this camera. Aloha j

I love shooting with my friends. @on_the_roam Making art for @iannoemusic @youngmaryrecords out in Joshua tree 2 @reddigitalcinemaGemini’s. vintage anamorphic lenses. Cheeehuuuuu Testing for my next movie Starting this fall. Can’t wait to direct again All my aloha @captainriff@poem_tv @martin.kistler @caldercrisisjohnny and E. aloha j

New YouTube episode. Link in bio one of the most inspiring people in my life. MARK TWIGHT Is launching his new book REFUGE please check it out it’s amazing. Go to @_nonprophet_ to order or go to @wfmft Love u bro. So proud of you Aloha j

What a beautiful night @httydragonmahalo @universalpictures for making me the proudest unko Movies with babies and friends. Aloha j

New YouTube episode link in bio. Truly honoured to capture this night with so many amazing artists. @colterwall@vincentneilemerson @iannoemusic@youngmaryrecords and so many more. Great work @i.am.aurelius Aloha j

NEW YouTube episode LInK in bio Making of FRONTIER part 2. Sorry for the wait but I needed to get this piece in front of one of my favourite bands FUCKING METALLIICA @metallicaApproved. Chheeeehuuuuuu hhrajahh. Aloha j

Home sweet home. So thankful to come home and be with my Ohana. Climbing with my babies Really stoked to hang with these two legends @jimmychin he’s one of the greats please go check him out show him some love. His new film @freesolofilm is amazing. Then there is the one and only @alexhonnold such a beautiful human/alien. ?next level Athlete And then wrap it up with some ramen. Cheeeehuuuuuu. Mahalo wes @senderone @soill Aloha j

Super thankful to have a small part in this awesome movie. Really stoked I got to take my ohana to see The LEGO Movie 2 It’s in theaters on February 8th. @prattprattpratt @arnettwill@tiffanyhaddish @thelegomovie#thelegomovie2. Mahalo unko corey RRL and @richardbaggettstudios Aloha j

Mahalo @dennydenn for your amazing work! Please support this independently published book of amazing images from my show Frontier. Link in bio Aloha j

FUCK YEAH bleed for your art. making of frontier part 1 LINK in BIO. This is what started it all 1 year ago I asked @i.am.aurelius to come document @captainriff and @on_the_roam unite with the Newfoundland Frontier crew to shoot season 3 of frontier. The show has come out and we are at SUNDANCE talking about or YouTube channel It’s been a real life shift for me to put these together and keep them authentic and inspiring I’m stoked people enjoy them this is the brainchild part 1 of 2. If u haven’t seen frontier please give it look I’m really proud of my cast, crew and producers Season 3 was epic. Season 4 is gonna get dark. ??? mahalo @netflix @discoverycanada. Aloha j

Stoked to be at SUNDANCE with @on_the_roam @captainriff@i.am.aurelius talking about our YouTube channel. ????aloha j. #Fanart #alohatomyfans

I MUST SHARE THIS MOMENT. NEW YouTube episode link in bio Last week I met with @youngmaryrecords to talk about the talented @colterwall what she brought was also this amazing human @iannoemusic for dinner it was truly a very special moment so much that I had to pick up the camera and shoot mahalo @I.am.aurelius please enjoy the album drops April 19 @leicacamerausa aloha j

Sharing tales of the plains a magical night in Canada. Tech metal god @oliver_rae_aleron AKA @archspireofficial @colterwall and a big geeking fan of both ?. The future is strong and inspiring Aloha j

What a weekend I got a lot to post Let’s just start with backstage with the legend @colterwall A true artist and gentlemen. all my aloha to the band. Amazing group of men. Look out for @vincentneilemerson @iannoemusiccouple Badasses on the come up. Stay tuned. Love ya @youngmaryrecords for bringing it all together. YouTube videos coming soon. Just ask @i.am.aurelius to get off his ass and put his phone down Aloha j

NEW episode on YouTube link in bio. My journey to the Mecca @harleydavidsonFirst time in amazing Milwaukee Basically a kid in a candy shop or better yet. a pig in shit ????Riding is in my blood. the wind the road. freedom Ive been riding my whole life. When I was 19 I saved my money to buy a 57 panhead named her Mabel after my love Grams all my aloha to the beautiful people I met. So thankful to see the process bringing these #freedommachines to the world. Aloha j.

It’s been along time since I’ve been inspired to shoot. Had an amazing night hanging with @iannoemusic his new album drops April 19. @i.am.aureliuscaptured an amazing night we will post soon on YouTube channel mahalo to @youngmaryrecords for introducing us and can’t wait to see @colterwall stay tuned. Aloha j

I AM AQUAMAN because of Zack Snyder he is a legend in my eyes. He made a justice league T shirt. ALL THE GODS. to support suicide awareness and prevention. Honored to do my part to support my Ohana. I love u Zack and Debbie Link in bio. Aloha j

Subscribe to our ON THE ROAM YouTube episode IOWA going home to see my grams Love u Mabel Link in bio. Aloha j

BILLION DOLLAR UNDERDOG. from baywatch to making what once was the most disrespected superhero into a billion dollar movie. no one gets to the top without the people that love them. My success is from my fans. All my aloha to everyone that had a hand in making this movie. Mahalo Zack for choosing me and mahalo James for creating this beautiful world. #grateful #lovemyfans#billiondollarunderdog #borntoclimb#outofholes #aquaman2#cheeeehuuuuuu #hhrajahh. Aloha j

ON THE ROAM again I can’t wait to get @on_the_roam again. #mysquad#thepride #backtowork #ilovemyjobohana unko Randy @realdealmada@maineikinimaka and lil baby ? @i.am.aurelius more YouTube ON THE ROAM episodes coming soon. If you’ve been waiting. So have I. Tell @i.am.aurelius to hurry up ??aloha j.

First off. Happy birthday to the king love u Elvis. Secondly I love u @harleydavidson mahalo for the amazing tour. It was an honor to make the pilgrimage to the Mecca and third Milwaukee you are amazing. Wisconsin I’m so impressed. The future is exciting another check of my bucket list#findyourfreedom. #cheeseheads#happybirthdayking. #harleyforlifeAloha j

My beautiful IOWA ohana. Love u so much so proud of my cousins. My nieces and nephews are amazing love u babies. Aloha unko aquaman Big mahalos to waveland cafe crew for always taking care of me I finally made it. I signed the wall cheeeehuuuuuuu. Aloha j

Needed to come home to Iowa and give my grams some aloha Love u forever grandma ???#Mabel#thematriarch #raisedbywomen#loveuma #hawaiianiowan. HAWAII backwards is IIAWAH. IOWA ?Aloha j

LINK IN BIO subscribe to our YouTube channel Hawaiian style humor love supporting or talented island so much potential keep it up everyone. @clownin808 @alex_farnham@i.am.aurelius @andrewstorer@newhawaii808@hungryhungryhawaiian @ahi_assassins@kala_dacaptain @kalaleajuicehale@makuarothman @koarothman@dahuiofficial So many more. Big mahalos to Jeff stone and @fsoahu@hawaiian_asy @zippys And my pops. Aloha j

Mahalo everyone for making #Aquamanthe number one movie in the world. I love you guys. I’m so proud of this movie and everyone that worked on it CHEEEEEHUUUUUUUU ??? Aloha j

WARNING. NOT FOR KIDS Happy birthday @joeflaniganofficial Round 2. Blow on it. Love u jogee. #whatarefriendsfor #bignastyass@realdealmada u nasty. Aloha j

MAHALO to everyone who has been supporting our YouTube channel This is the finale on our tour. #Aquaman is getting so much love from everyone I’m very thankful. Clink the link in bio@i.am.aurelius @on_the_roam I am very proud of you. Aloha j

Happy new year everyone. Time to relax for a week. ???. Aloha j